- No danger of escape, as long as you make a suitable lid.
- Mice are protected from other pets which might attack them through cage bars.
- Bedding can be piled really deep so the mice can burrow through it and play in it
without hoofing it all over your carpet. They love deep bedding, and they love throwing it
out of the cage.
- Keeps the smell in as well as the bedding!
- You can easily watch your mice being excessively cute and playing in the bedding etc..
- Warm and protected from draughts
- Cheap and easy to find second-hand; leaks don't matter for mice.
- Lots of floorspace to arrange toys and furniture on.
- You have to be careful cleaning them - I shovel out used bedding in a dustpan, scrape
the corners out with a paint scraper, them spray the inside with disinfectant spray. After
this you need to wipe over with clean water so the mice don't have to inhale disinfectant.
- Heavy, and break if you drop them.
- To provide maximum ventilation you need to make a lid of wire mesh, no more than
1/2" (1cm) square or youngsters will squeeze through (even large show mice up to 8
weeks old can squeeze through 1" x 1/2" mesh) and they can jump a long way up to
grab the wire. If you can be bothered to make a proper wooden frame for the lid, it looks
- Mice can't climb up the sides, so you need to put in lots of toys and 'furniture' like
pieces of wood for them to climb over - they really love scrambling over different levels.
You can make a climbing frame for a tank by simply hanging a piece of wire mesh against
one side.
- Even with a wire mesh lid, aquaria give poor ventilation. Ammonia and unpleasant smells
build up in them very quickly.