Taming Mice

Here are some easy steps on taming your mice:

  1. Leave your mouse alone in their cage for the first day, so that the get used to their new environment, and so they can calm down after the ride home.

  2. On the second day, leave your hand in the cage until your mouse comes over to sniff it.

  3. When it does sniff your hand, don't move it, let your mouse smell it to it's hearts content. Take your hand out when it gets tired.

  4. On day 3, you can pick up your mouse. Be sure to pet it and make the experience fun. It is best to do this in the late evening, when your mouse is waking up from a good day's rest.

  5. The next thing to do is to take your mouse out of the cage and let it climb on you.

  6. Keep trying the steps until your mouse is as tame as you want it, but remember - it takes time!