Herbs and the dog go very well together because dogs in the wild are nature's best herbalists and even in the domestic situation can often be seen selecting different grasses or leaves to eat and then throwing up. This is because they seek the right grass for the ailment be it acid stomach or toxic food (due to putrefaction) or whatever. Below is a list of useful herbs to grow for treating some of the common ailments your dog may from time to time suffer with. Herbs that are not available fresh can be bought at a health food shop, just read the label and try to buy unmixed herbs.

ALMONDS crushed and added to the meal morning and night for the male dog unable to "do" stud work. We have had some success in raising the sperm count and motility of sperm with this remedy also. Also used to treat anaemia.

BLACK CURRANT JAMis good for dogs with cataracts it assists to clear the cloudiness.

BLACK CURRANT SYRUPto treat hysteria particularly useful for adopted dogs from rescue shelters, where there is a history of abuse.

BLACK GRAPES for anaemia.

CAMPHOR OIL added to the rinse or applied directly to the coat in the area of the base of the neck and hips will irradicate Fleas.

CARROT COOKED and added to the diet is a help for dogs with rheumatism.

CARROT COREraw, grated and added to the main meal is useful for weight reducing and also in the treatment of diabetes.

CELERY for thin underweight dogs and for anorexia.

CELERY LEAVES are used in treating rheumatism either cooked or raw and added to the normal meal.

CEYENNE PEPPER burnt on a tin lid to fumigate kennels or homes for irradication of fleas and bugs etc.

COMFREY for arthritis, ligament damage, injuries to patellas, and to assist in the quick knitting of fractures. It can be given dried and added to the meal or it can be made into a hot compress and applied to the injured or painful site, the same treatment is used for sprains.

COUCH GRASS for stomach acid and also for dropsy. The roots can be made into a tea at the rate of 2oz to 325 mls water with honey and used to treat all bladder troubles.

CUCUMBER can be dabbed on a heat rash to reduce itching and inflammation.

EUCALYPTUS OIL can be applied directly to the coat or added to the rinse for flea treatment.

GARLIC is used in the treatment of intestinal worms, liver complaints, tonsillitis, and general infections.

HONEY although not technically a herb it is produced from flowers and herbs so is listed here for its medicinal properties. It is a natural nerve calmer and can be used to treat or prevent stress and shock syndrome. It is most beneficial in the treatment of hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar. It will assist the slow weak puppy from birth trauma to acquire energy for feeding.

LEMON sliced and dabbed onto ringworm will clear the condition without spreading, or they can be painted with clear nail polish.

MAIDENHAIR is a blood purifier and is used to dissolve kidney stones.

MOLASSES for anaemia, poor or faulty pigment

OLIVES For exhaustion from an especially long ordeal, as in the case of long term pain or abuse caused by the elements, an illness, man's cruelty or predators. If plagued with allergies that cause the adrenal system to become exhausted.

PARSLEY for arthritis and cramps

POPPY SEEDS relaxant and nerve calmer in small doses can be added to maiden dam's meals to help relax her and encourage the milk to be let down.

PUMPKIN SEEDS raw minced and added to the main meal will assist the bitch with late cycle or delayed season.

RASPBERRY LEAF fresh or tablets given every day of the pregnancy will reduce the delivery time and make the labour less painful, and enrich the milk. They also help the uterus return to normal. They can be given to the bitch if her season is delayed.

ROCK ROSE - For any form of terror and panic
a. After an accident, injury, fire or any terrifying event.
b. For the overly fearful animal that possibly was terrified sometime in their life. Fear does not dissolve naturally.

ROSE HIP or rose fruits made into tea or a rose hip cordial will aid in the treatment of metritis.

ROSEMARY can be used to treat hair loss due to nerves allergies or scratching taken internally it is good for liver function and blood purifying.

SEAWEED is good for treating thyroid conditions and for weight gains after desexing it can improve pigment if used daily in the food.

SESAME for general stomach and bowel problems.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS ground and added to feed may aid in recovery from anorexia to increase weight and can help dull dry coats.

VIOLET LEAVES crushed over the feed can help in the treatment of cancer.

WALNUT protects against allergic reactions to outside influences such as insecticides, pollution and sensitivities to pollens and grasses.
Protects by insulating the dog due to changes in it's environment - new owners, new kennel or when traveling. eases hormonal cycles.

WATERCRESS is very high in iron and is good for anaemia.

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