
Personal Sites

Of course, there's Somesillyname who we kind of adopted as our daughteryeah right This link is to Artic's page, someone who I am also lucky to count as a friend
This page, belonging to Yeti is a useful source of info on many subjects, and he has some damn good design on this site (there, I said it, where's the check? LOL) I have 2 great friends in Yahoo Chat that I had not seen for ages, LawDog1369 and RN_n_NC_1 but they showed up and gave up the addresses of their websites gladly
Our friend Tweetie has her homepage here, and her rabbit site here Another friend of ours is Kyhellcat, who has her homepage here
I also included a link to my wife's page here as well as on the homepage, just to make sure you go visit BOO! This is a link straight into one of Yeti's subpages on chat etiquette, but is so worth reading, it deserves its own link
Countryheart designed this site all by herself, and despite what she says, I didn't help her that much! (but thanks anyway) *blushes* Honest, I am gonna get some more URL's from friends

General Links

Napster, ok, so its offline for now, but their site's still there Napigator, a useful add on to napster
Dogpile, possibly the best search engine there is, a very close second
British Telecom, the original phone company in Britain Maintenance Warehouse, excellent suppliers of maintenance supplies (sadly available North America only)
OFTEL, the official telecommunications regulator in the UK The Telecommunications Heritage Group, a group dedicated to preserving what is left of the UK's pre-digital telephone system (formerly possibly one of the biggest download sites there is Southampton University, where I worked for the first couple of years of my adult life, where I got the free and highly configurable hit counter on some of these pages [.tv] The television channel that first showed me that there was such a thing as internet chat
ICQ, an instant messenger and much more CheetaChat, one of the best chat clients for Yahoo! chat, (although also one of the bulkiest)
Yahoo! Chat itself, free email with lots of domains
Dan's Data, the best hardware and software review site I know of.... written by a human being from Australia Google, a very useful and reliable search engine. No popups either. you need a link to this with your pc dragging you back home to Bill every 3 minutes anyway Spam your own system admin!