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Lisa Gibson.

Lisa was diagnosed at the age of 15 with lupus. Date was March 2, 1987. Her first problems were joint pain and she was anemic and weight loss. She also has what is called Raynards Disease which is where her hands and feet turn white then purple. She has to be very careful not to get to cold so she has to make sure she wears warm gloves in the winter.

The joint pain, weight loss, hands and feet turning white and very cold is what sent her to the doctor and the doctor did some test thinking it may be Leukema since that runs in the family only to find when the results where back that it was lupus.

She was sent then to another doctor for further testing only to recommend that she go see a Rhemotologist she seen Dr. Huntwork for over a year when was sent to a specialist in Morgantown West Virginia a Dr. DiBartolomeo for she was having recurrent boils on her arms and legs. She called this Doctor by the name Dr. D for his name isn't easy to pronounce. She seen this doctor for another 2 years when he refered her to her current doctor which is Dr.Polly Cunningham.

Here is a list of drugs that Lisa has been on one time or another since having Lupus and Raynards Disease. Though this is only a few that she can recall and is sure there has been many many more. Predinisone, Cardizem, Clinorial, Diltiazem,Plaqrineil, Naprasyn,cytoxin, immurunan methotrerxate.

Lisa has been going through some real bad times here lately. The doctor is sending her now to get her started for having dialysis.

If you would like to learn more about Lupus here is some sites to check out. The site below has several different sites you can go to read up on Lupus.

Alot of stuff on Lupus

About kidney problems with Lupus


Lisa has had a kidney transplant was done on October 24,2001, the donor was my sister, Lisa's aunt. Both are doing great at this time. Though she will be in the hospital for a few more days I am sure I will be updating this info on her as I can. If all would please say a prayer for both Lisa and Mona.

Well I am HAPPY to say that Lisa is doing great and boy it is good to see her looking so good. I am so proud of her. She has been doing so well that she is back up doing all the things she likes to do. She just finished taking a cake decorating class she really enjoyed doing that. Hey Lisa if you read this how about letting me see some of those cakes heck why not even let me taste one.

I am so proud of Lisa she is working on her own website and I think she is doing a great job. If you would like to visit her website then click on the url at the bottom of this paragraph. Be sure and sign her guestbook also.

On August 15,2003 Lisa found out she has cancer of the esophagus and stomach due from the antiregection medicine she takes for the kidney. She is in alot of pain and has loss alot of weight. On September 14,2003 Lisa loss the fight with the cancer she sure fought hard. This is hard on me so may take me a while to get all info about this on here . We all miss her so much she was such a sweet person and so giving to everyone she meet.

Lisa's favorite song was Helping Pour out the Rain by Buddy Jewel. A friend of my sister wrote a poem for her and gave it to her about Lisa and she only knew what Judy had told her about Lisa and had never meet Lisa and with the poem below it was like she had known Lisa all her life. This poem has meant so much for the whole family it has been some comfort. I want to especially thank Judy Layman for this poem.

Lisa's Poem

My dear loved one, why have you gone?

I've wished on every star I can wish upon.

Wish you were here with us today,

And that you would never go away.

You will be missed by young and old,

Our hearts feel sad and so cold.

Your Smile is like a ray of sunshine,

Your face will stay forever in our mind.

Why He took you we can't understand,

Only He knows His heavenly plan.

Now you have left an empty space,

But we know you're in a better place.

As you traveled your last mile,

We thought we seen a tiny smile.

You were in God's arm, in no more pain,

With Him saying, "Yes Lisa, you can help, Pour Out The Rain."

Written by Judy Layman

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