The Pictures


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October 22, 2000, Bradenton, Florida
If you didn't make it to this one, look for us again in Spring 2001 - we will be back!
Well it's over now.  I truly had a great time seeing old friends and meeting new ones!  Click on 'The Pictures' link to the left to see the photos of the day and many more of the long weekend enjoyed with the long distance travelers, Sandi, Marcy and Jennifer.

This picnic would NOT have been a success without them!
(About 75% of the Floridians that had confirmed their attendance didn't show up and didn't bother to cancel.  I'm still eating potato salad and coleslaw!)

The press coverage was just awesome.  We got a nice article written up in the local paper, The Bradenton Herald complete with photos.  And we even got two spots on the local ABC news affiliate's evening news!