Links & Resources


Samson's Page

Gypsy's Page

Gone But Never Forgotten

So Your Dog Is Deaf?

E-Mail Us!
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First and foremost Please Visit D2Care!   Please become a member even if you don't have a deaf dog.  Be a supporter!  Help us to educate the world regarding canine deafness and the plight of deaf dogs.  Your memberships help us to continue to educate the public and also to help save the lives of some dogs who just happen to be deaf but make wonderful pets!  Does it sound like I have a personal stake in this?  Yep!  I"m currently the treasurer for the organization.  This is a membership based organization so please consider joining and by all means please consider throwing your hat into the ring for the next board elections! Please visit D2Care for more info!
D2Care - Deaf Dog Connections, Advocacy, Resources & Education, Inc.