The Pictures
Page 12
Hi Sandi!  Sandi and I snap one of each other while Willow looks at Nina and that's Jennifer hot on the tail (???) of an aussie!
That's Jack, with a head again!  (Jeeze Sandi don't you know your supposed to cut it off?)  And there is Willow looking at her daddy with Orion sneaking in on the lower right.
Aha!  That's the best pic of Woofer I've seen yet!   Woofer the Catahoula I mean, not Woofer the Aussie.  Need another drink?  It must be a thing about dogs named Woofer getting photographed!
That's Christie, his mom, also showing off the fine looking butt of ???  Hey which Aussie butt is that anyway?  Willow is sneaking in to the picture on the right.  And of course there are lots of headless people too!
"What is it Roo?"  "Run!  Hide!  It's a large hairy horse!"
Nah!  Not hardly!  Roo is checking out the Irish Wolfhound.  What a mellow sweet guy he was!
Hurray!  A picture with Lucky in it!
Baron (top left) is playing with the young and frisky Lucky.  Willow is laying around in the way and I believe that is Gwydion getting ready to herd everyone into a nice tidy package!
Anyone else get a good picture of Lucky?
Okey dokey lets see if I can get this right?
The humans - I believe on the left is Jennifer taking a picture with Bobby sitting on the front of the picnic table with Marcy sitting on the back side of it.  The dogs - The butts in the foreground belonging to, from left to right, are Orion, Roo and then Gypsy.  Nina is the one behind Jennifer and Bandit is on the table!
Did I pass the test?
To Page 13
More pictures thanks to Sandi!