Our pets are everything to us. We treat them like our kids, and take the best care of them, or do we? Even though you maybe giving them all they need are you really, maybe you are. Here are some facts you can compare with to see how well you are taking care of your pet.

     * Is your pet spayed or neutered? Did you know that spaying/ neutering your pet will actually make them more healthy and happy, help to keep them close to home and live longer lives. Its a fact. It will also save the lives of so many animals. How is that? There is an average birthrate of 5,500 per hour, its also estimated that 132,000 kitten and puppies born in American homes, only two out of ten will find good homes. Also 15 million stray or unwanted animals are destroyed in shelters every year.

     * Another fact.. How often do you take your pet in for a check-up? Its just as important as you or any memeber of your family going in for a health check-up. That will help maintain your animals health.

      * Your animals diet is an impotant one also. An over weight animal is not healthy and they need to eat the right amount and the right kind of food to stay healthy. Ask your Vet which food they would recomend and how much.

      One last note: not everyone is so kind to their pets. If you see a pet being abused in anyway Please contact the nearest animal control, the animals would be grateful for the chance to live a better healthier life.