Summer is upon us. This has been one of the most hectic yet! After 18 years, I sold my condo!!! Tony & I got a house in Naperville and moved in on July 1st. I cannot believe how much stuff I had accumulated after such a long time, but we were able to sort through it, and threw away quite a bit. Living with someone again is a big adjustment, but Tony & I are very close, so this was a good move for both of us.

Kayleigh's Page

Kayleigh turned 13 in December, and will be in 8th grade this year! Oh year is high school!...OH MY GOD!!!!!! How is she growing up so fast??? Kayleigh scored 100% on her Jr. high math placement test. Her teacher was very impressed. She took Pre-Algebra in 7th grade because of this, and it will count towards high school credit. She is adapting very well to Jr. High and has made alot of new friends. I think that she will adapt well to her new school, but will remain very tight with her old friends at her old school.

Jaryn's Page

Jaryn will turn 12 in September. She will be starting 6th grade. I think she will adapt well to her new school and make friends fast. Due to the move, she did not try out for Jr. Football cheerleading this year, but she can work on being a cheerleader in Jr. high next year! She had ALOT of practices and games last year, so I think it is better for her to take the time to concentrate on the new school and making new friends rather than cheerleading. She was very active in many extracurricular activites at her old school and I hope she gets as involved in her new school! I am very proud of her!

I am very lucky to have 2 smart beautiful daughters!

This summer and at Christmas, they got to go to Tennessee to visit my mom and my brother again, just as they did last summer and the summer before. They will be gone for 6 weeks. I can;t wait for them to get back and see their new home! But it is a good bonding experience for both them and my Mom & brother, and they get spoiled rotten down there! They have also become pro's at flying on planes since this was the fourth trip to Tennessee that they made alone with no adult supervision!

Jana's Page

While they were gone last summer, I went to many fests, parties and concerts. It has been a wild crazy summer. I went to the Metallica/Kid Rock/STP/3rd Eye Blind concert (Hard Rock Cafe Rockfest)with my boyfriend, Tony, and his son Travis. Metallica rocked! The concert was great, but the best part was that we got to hook up with an old childhood friend, Mari, who moved away when we were only 11. She is on line now so I get to chat with her often. So she had also purchased tickets for Rockfest, so we hooked up with her while we were there. The week after Rockfest, I took Tony's son, Travis, to the free Limp Bizkit concert. Then, two weeks after the Rockfest, I went to Ozzfest! Another great concert! Many great bands, capped off with Pantera and Ozzy himself! The Rockfest and Ozzfest concerts lasted all day long, from 10am to 11pm. What long days, but time flew when we were having fun (Great music, good beer & great people)!

Last August, I had another great experience....I got to meet my fave band: CREED. (I have their web page linked on mine if you would like to check them out). I won passes to a private jam session that they did here in Chicago. I brought one of my closest girlfriends, Kelly, with me. (See pic of us with Mancow on my friends page) Only 70 people were there! Up close and personal. They did 4 accoustic songs and then talked with us. They signed my CD's but they did not allow us to take any pics :( But the pictures will remain as memories in my head forever!

My half season bowling league is over. We ended up in 10th place. We still love bowling and look forward to doing it again next year!

Well, with all of this partying and having fun, I got a reality check. My 20 year high school reunion was October 14th!! I can't believe it. There is no way I am this old! I feel 23! But the reunion was excellent, and I got to see how good everyone still looked. We partied all weekend, and there were many people I hadn't seen since high school. I even rekindled a few old friendships.

I don't know how this year breezed by so fast. Tony & I took his son Travis and my girls to another concert in December. It was at the United Center, and we had sky box seats for it, so I figured the girls would be safe, and they were. :) The bands included The Offspring (who Jaryn now totally adores and thinks their lead singer is the bomb!), Cypress Hill, Incubus, Orgy, Disturbed, Papa Roach, The Deftones, Everlast and Live. We had a totally great day!

More things going on.....right after Christmas, I got laid off of my job of 4 years. But I guess it couldn't come at a better time. I had recently signed up to start taking classes to study for my web programming certificate, and school started a few weeks ago. It is going very well. I am still job hunting, but enjoying the time I have for homework and studying! Fortunately, I have the love and support of many friends, including Tony, who are there to help me right now since things are kinda tight. Tony and I even went to Las Vegas for a weekend after the first of the year. We had a blast and I really needed the vacation with everything that is going on. But I will get through this and end up with an even better job!