Born September 29, 2006
Sire: "Tanner" - CH Danby Tyneside Sixpence CGC CHIC
Dam: "Melody" - CH Joyful's The Sound Of Music RN CGC CHIC
Introducing the "Cast" of Melody's musical!! :-)
2 grizzle girls (Liesl & Gretl) and 4 grizzle boys (Rolf, Captain, Friedrich, & Kurt)
Kurt, Liesl, Captain, Friedrich, Gretl, & Rolf
24 hours old.
Melody is a wonderful Mom!
Melody and all 6 pups on the day they were born!
First Born "Rolf" at 24 hours old.
Second Born "Captain" at 24 hours old.
Third Born "Friedrich" at 24 hours old.
Fourth Born "Liesl" at 24 hours old.
Fifth Born "Gretl" at 24 hours old.
Sixth Born "Kurt" at 24 hours old.
24 hours old.
Captain, Kurt, Liesl, Friedrich, Rolf, and Gretl
24 hours old.
24 hours old.
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