Please allow me to introduce myself and my
About Bikke
Name: Bikke (or Bikkei)
Ancestor lineage: Boston Terrier
Sex: Girl
Birthday: 12/17/1996
Family: Papa and Mama
Home: Seattle, WA
Things Like: Sleeping, Destroying toys that Mama buys
for me, and riding in a car.
Things Not Like: Staying home alone and RAIN
Favorite Foods: Fruits and Seaweed
A Place I Want to Go: Japan
About My Family
I live in Seattle, WA with my Mom and Papa.
I am the only child so far, but I know Mama
is thinking about getting me a younger brother.
I am not sure if it is a human young brother
or dog young brother, but hope to see him
very soon.
Our family is very unique.
My Papa is an American, born in New York
State, but Mama is a Japanese and Bikke is
a Boston Terrier.
So, in our house there are three different
languages spoken; English, Japanese,
and Dogginese.
Papa is a kayaker, but unfortunately this
is not Papa's daily occupation.
He works at the University of Washington,
but is still a PhD student at the University
of Wisconsin-Madison.
How possible? Don't ask me... All I can say
about Papa's PhD project is that he
is working on it!!!!
Papa loves kayaking and has a lots of Kayak
I like his friends a lots. They love to look
at MAPS.
If you are interested, please visit Papa's
Kayak (and his work) web site by clicking Papa's
Web Site.
Oh boy... about Mama.
She talks a lots and is very loud.
She sounds like a mean woman, doesn't she?
In fact, she is, but only when she gets really
really mad.
My Papa can tell you all about it if you
would like.
But, she loves me more than anything else!
That's all matter to me!
Here is my younger brother "Ishi".
I will report about ishi later, but here
are some pictures of Ishi.