2007/12/2 天上一日,人間數年。沒想到,一回神,竟已一年多。好久沒回來了...
2006/9/10 "Keeping the moon"
"I don't belive in failure. Because simply by saying you've failed, you've admitted you attempted. And anyone who attempts is not a failure. Those who truly fail in my eyes are those who never try at all. Those who sit on the couch and whine and moan and wait for the world to change for them".
"If you try anything, if you try to lose weight, or to improve yourself, or to love, or to make the world a better place, you have already achieved something wonderful, before you even begin. Forget failure. If things don't work out the way you want, hold your head up high and be proud. And try again. And again, And again!"
"Become. And that's where I come in. I am the work between those caterpillars and this world of butterflies. They all have the potential. It's been there all along. They just have to become."
"I don't know. I mean, perfect is a lot to expect from something, right ? We all have our faults."
"It's not about us," I said gently. "It's a toaster."
"It doesn't matter." She sat back in her chair. "If something doesn't work exactly right, or maybe needs some special treatment, you don't just throw it away. Everything can't be fully operational all the time. Sometimes, we need to have the patience to give something the little nudge it needs."
"It's about understanding. We're all worth something."
2006/7/20 So Yesterday
Innovator, trendsetter, follower, and laggers.
Being an innovator could be lonely sometimes. Most of us simply want to stay in our own secure and familiar space, complaining sometimes, but contented. As a little kid, we start out all as a born-innovator, and little by little, we are educated by various authorities to be normal, to be standard, to be social. Soon we lose our originality, and grow into a follower, or even laggers. The self-ware, world-consicous ones become trendsetters. And the fearless ones stay as innovators.
Common knowledge is simply the biased knowledge we learned from all the sources. Those things we so-unmovably believed in may turn out to be completely not quite the same thing as we once learned. The so-called education system is, in effect, trying to make everybody believe the same thing, and thereby look and act the same way.
Self-awareness is the key. As long as we are aware of who we are (the mind), what we do (the body), and what our hearts desire (the soul), then we could go down the road without regret. Life is the best reward itself, once we learn about this secret....
2005/11/27 John Donne (1572-1631)
DEATH be not proud, though some have called thee
Mighty and dreadfull, for, thou art not so,
For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
Die not, poor death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
From rest and sleep, which but thy pictures be,
Much pleasure, then from thee, much more must flow,
And soonest our best men with thee do go,
Rest of their bones, and soul's delivery.
Thou art slave to Fate, Chance, kings, and desperate men,
And dost with poison, war, and sickness dwell,
And poppy, or charms can make us sleep as well,
And better than thy stroke; why swell'st thou then;
One short sleep past, we wake eternally,
And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.
2005/11/19 "It is not what you have, but what you do with what you have that counts." 擁有什麼不重要,重要的是你如何對待你所擁有的一切 。
2005/11/5 "To know what you prefer
instead of humbly saying Amen
to what the world tells you you ought to prefer,
is to have kept your soul alive."
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
2005/10/23 "I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be 'happy'. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be honorable, to be compassionate. It is, above all, to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all." -- Leo C. Rosten.
2005/10/19 Olivier Follmi 在米蘭的街上發現的, 有一系列的攝影作品. 感動的心, 不停地鼓動著...我看見了, 清澈的眼神裡, 有我的心的倒影...
2005/10/10 "it's not who you are underneath, it's what you do that defines you." quote from Batman Begins.
一個人會因為別人不了解自己而痛苦, 卻沒看清自己在別人眼中的模樣來自自己的行為...想當別人的明鏡,反映他們的本質, 先要能透明清靜自己, 直達自己最深處那顆血紅跳動的真心, 才能反映別人的心. 簡單美麗的物理原理.
2005/7/10 無米樂:七十多歲的崑濱伯說:「有時候晚上來灌溉,風清月朗,青翠的稻子映著月光,很漂亮!心情好,就哼起歌來,雖然心情(擔憂),不知道颱風會不會來,或病蟲害,也是無米樂,隨興唱歌,心情放輕鬆,不要想太多,這叫做無米樂啦!」
2005/2/10 春節無事,看了馮小剛2004年的片子:手機。一時間,胸中震撼不已...手機無罪,想要永遠保持close的人們也無罪,只是人們在過去沒有手機的時候,所擁有的自在餘裕,卻在手機的出現後,瞬間消逝...
2005/1/14 冷冷的冬天,安靜的城市,古老的回憶,孤寂的時間。
2005/1/1 新年快樂!今年,要做什麼呢?
『是收到卡片的人比較幸福, 還是寫著卡片的人比較幸福呢?』在便利的電子賀卡泛濫到不行的今日,收到寄來的卡片時,心裡很是感動,卻有更多的羨慕,因為,我知道,能寫信關心人的人,心中充滿的是一種溫暖,一種能將寒冷驅散的能量...在寫信的那個時刻,我想,是幸福的。
2004/11/08 嫉妒所未知的空白(L'Occupation)
2004/11/07 咖哩香腸之誕生(DIE ENTDECKUNG
*「『咖哩』一字是從坦米爾語 kari 演變來的,原義是味道辛辣的醬或肉湯。咖哩的成份非常複雜,口味的變化幾乎可說是無限多的。可以治療沮喪或甚至抑鬱症?沒錯。」(p.93)
2004/10/26 生命。全景傳播基金會。
2004/10/24 「當和尚遇到鑽石」(The Diamond
2004/10/8 那天晚上,我躺在15度的椅子上,看到九顆流星。南半球的孤單,在溫暖的海風吹拂之中消逝而去。那天早上,我看到了太陽從海平面上升起,在四射的金色陽光中閃耀,誕生了完美的一天。沉没中的天堂:馬爾地夫
2004/8/1 盛夏的東京, 熱得可怕。只有水蜜桃和70%割引
(discount) 才能把我們拉出門。Welcome to view my 東京之旅。
2004/7/4 你看過多少燈呢? 在走進這裡之後, 才發現原來光也可以是多變的...在"紐約SOHO"的偶遇。
2004/7/3 你問我, 我好不好? 我想了想, 我不知道。因為,
好是什麼?而不好, 又是什麼?
2004/6/13 電視壞了。
2004/6/12 Life of Brian - 25年前的片子, 真的, 很怪, 可是很好笑...
REG:What's the point of fighting for
right to have babies when he can't
have babies?!
FRANCIS: It is symbolic of our struggle
2004/6/7 整理好了新相簿, 有空來瞄一下囉。2004 年的紐約和波士頓。至於遊記,
2004/6/4 在紐約第五大道上飛翔的, 不只是人們的夢想,
還有一隻了不起的紅尾鷹。在 www.palemale.com 詳實記錄了大都會空中的生命傳承故事...
2004/5/31 飛到地球的另一邊, 日夜顛倒之地,
尋找的是自己, 放下的也是自己。我到了一個大城市,才找回自己的樣子。
2004/5/8 生鏽的鐵, 無法導電,也不能傳熱。生鏽的心也是。該除鏽了...
2004/4/29 聽一場音樂會,捕捉的不只是聲音,還是一種氛圍,一種臨場的氣勢,一種當下的感動,一種存在的共鳴,一種單純的美好。今夜的月不圓,卻分外明亮...
2004/4/11 「失去自我這件事,不管是幸福或是不幸的時候,都是要不得的事。」
-- 變成麵包的夢。
2004/4/1 有很多小麥夢想成為『稠稠的熱騰騰的奶油馬鈴薯肉湯』。
2004/3/28 如果全世界的人都說你是幸福的,就算你自己不覺得,大概你就是幸福的吧?
2004/3/12 今天有人跟我說, 他家的三隻貓加起來都沒有我家的小米重。。。。(註:小米現在9公斤)
2004/2/28 尼采說,「我有我的黑暗時期,誰沒有呢?但是它們不曾擁有我,它們並非源於我的病痛,而是源於我的存在,或許有人會說,我有擁有黑暗時期的勇氣。」
2004/2/22 吉本芭娜娜。泡菜夢。那就像化學反應一樣,你一點辦法也沒有,只能眼睜睜看著它發生。整整兩個鐘頭,它和血液一起周行全身並且控制了我。家裡的空氣中瀰漫著「等待」的氛圍。這時的我全身彷彿覆蓋著一層薄膜,無法穿透的薄膜,教我看不到電視的畫面,無法接聽朋友的電話,無法洗澡,無法看書。然後許多妄想都像惡靈一樣出現了。
2004/2/15 Disguise. by Lene Marlin in Another Day.
Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness
inside. You will never measure up, to those
people you must be strong. Can't show them
that you're weak.
Have you ever told someone something that's
far from the truth. Let them
know that you're okay. Just to make
them stop all the wondering, and questions
they may have.
I'm okay. I really am now. Just needed some
time, to figure things out.
Not telling lies, I'll be honest with
you. Still we don't know what's yet
to come.
Have you ever seen your face, in a mirror
there's a smile but inside you're
just a mess, you feel far from good.
Need to hide, 'cos they'd never understand.
Have you ever had this wish,
of being somewhere else to let go of
your disguise, all your worries too,
and from that moment, then you see
things clear.
除下了偽裝之後 , 我們是否還有勇氣面對自己
2004/1/11 Chocolat - 在一個寧靜,傳統的小鎮上,有一天,北風帶來了一對母女,以及含有神奇感動人心Maya