Name: ____________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
City: _______________State____________Zip________Phone_______
Occupation: _____________________Work Phone: ________________
Email: ____________________________________________________
l. Why do you want a Shetland Sheepdog? ________________________
2. What happened to your last dog? _____________________________
3. Have you ever owned a Sheltie before? _________________________
Do you still have that dog?
4. During the last two years:
a. Have you lost a pet (not through death)? ______________________
b. Have you had one poisoned? ______________________________
c. Have you had an animal killed by a vehicle? ___________________
d. Have you had an animal die due to disease? ___________________
If yes, what did it die of? _________________________________
5. For what purpose do you want this dog? ________________________
6. Do you have any other animals? ___________List type, age and sex:
7. Do you have children at home? _______Number:_______Age(s)______
8. Do you live in a house?____ Apartment____Condo_____Trailer______
9. Do you own or rent? _______________________________________
10. If you rent, do you have the landlord's permission to keep a dog?______
11. Do you have a yard? _____________Is it fenced? ________________
What type of fencing? _____________________________________
12. Do all family adults work? ________Is someone home during the day?
Please explain: ___________________________________________
13. What provisions will be made for your Sheltie if nobody is home during
the day? _______________________________________________
14. Do you intend to keep this dog indoors? _______________________
Where will it sleep? _______________________________________
15. Do you have a sex preference? No_____Male:______Female________
16. Do you have a color preference? No________Color_______________
17. Would you consider? The opposite sex? _______________________
An older dog? ____________________To what age?_____________
18. What size sheltie do you prefer? ______________________________
19. Are other members of your household aware that you are considering
adopting a pet?__________________________________________
20. Are you prepared to assume the financial responsibilities of caring for an
animal, including innoculations, veterinary care, good quality food,
licensing, etc? ___________________________________________
21. Are you planning to move in the near future? _____________________
22. Is anyone in your house allergic to animals? _____________________
23. Are you familiar with animal control regulations? __________________
24. Do you understand that any rescue sheltie that you may adopt through
Shetland Sheepdog Rescue Club of Southern MD will be spayed/
neutered? ______________________________________________
25. What circumstances, in your mind, justify getting rid of a dog? _______
26. Are you willing to allow a rescue representative member to visit your
home by appointment? ____________________________________
27. How did you hear about the Shetland Sheepdog Rescue Club of
Southern MD? __________________________________________
28. Do you accept that there will be a $200 adoption fee for the adopted
dog? _________________________________________________
29. Are you willing to adopt a sheltie mix? Yes_________No__________
30. Name and telephone of veterinarian: ___________________________
I am in full agreement with the Shetland Sheepdog Rescue Club of Southern
MD "Terms of Adoption" (attached). By signing below, I am attesting to the
truthfullness of my answers. I understand that falsification of any of the
above information will be grounds to disallow the adoption of a rescued
__________________ __________________________
Date Signature
NOTE: If you are under l8 years of age, a parent or guardian must also
sign this application. Thank you for considering a dog from the Shetland
Sheepdog Rescue Club of Southern MD. If you have any questions, or
if we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to call.
Rescue reserves the right to refuse any applicant
Please return to: Shetland Sheepdog Rescue Club of Southern MD
c/o Elaine Quade
24485 Mervell Dean Road
Hollywood, MD 20636
Phone: 301-373-2695
Home Fill out an Application Success Stories Terms of Adoption Owner Release form