Colostrum Increases cell counts in HIV disease
I have been using a protocol based on EGCG capsules and anti-oxydants for a while, and results showed decreased viral load, but also decreased CD4 count, as time went on. To counteract the decrease in CD4, I have changed my protocol as follows:
1) use of Colostrum (3x 150mg twice a day)
2) double the intake of seleunium (now 2 x 200mg per day)
3) EGCG now taken as a cream that I apply to skin over lymph nodes spots on body.
I am getting good results:
(new protocol initiated on February 2007)
Latest: (May 1st 2007): CD4 797; CD8 1913; CD3 2764; viral load 6010
and March 5th 2007: CD4 714; CD8 1837; CD3 2589; viral load 10354
Compared to:
(January 11th) CD4 532; CD8 1296; CD3 1857; VL 6971
(October 28th, 2006): CD4 410; CD8 967; CD3 1398; VL 10429
(August 7th, 2006): CD4 458; CD8 955; CD3 1457; VL 22190
what has remained consistent:
nicotinamide, NAC, L-Carnitine, vitE,B, Calcium&Magnesium
On HAART. I started 2 weeks before I had new bloodtest. In 2 weeks my CD4 raised 100(from 440 to 540), and virus became non-detectable.
Friend started 3 weeks before bloodtest, his CD4 raised from 490 to 550, and virus down from 15000 to 12000.
Transfer Factor Plus Advanced
Increases NK cells
Contains Thymus extract, Maitake, Shiitake, Cordyceps, IP6, Beta Glucans, Beta Sitosterol, Olive Leaf Extract
I'll put all FIV cats on supplements initially. Then, when I get back their BNA reports (Bio Nutritional Analysis), I'll add whatever specific supplements are needed to help each individual case. Chances are, they'll include Feline Support (Biovet), a thymus supplement or homepathic like "Thymus Drops" (Professional Health Products); and Co-Enzyme Q10 (Vetri-Science).
Almost all animals do get put on an adrenal supplement, because most BNA returns disclose an adrenal imbalance suggesting stress, inflammation, or both. Mil Adrene (Miller Pharmacal) is raw adrenal, a direct and potent choice. If the calcium value is low we'll use a supplement called Drenatrophin (Standard Process Labs), which combines both adrenal support and the needed calcium. If sodium is low, we'll use Adrenochelate (Nu Biologies). And if the adrenal's alkaline phosphatase is especially high I use vitamin C.
If I see an associated suppressed bone marrow, I'll use Millettia 9 (Seven Forests), which contains astraglus, salvia, and enidium, and nourishes the blood. Also useful from Seven Forests is Viola 12, generally for immune deficiency. And as a last resort, I'll use the homeopthic nosode for FIV (one is from Washington Homeopathics; the Hahnemann company also makes one). Occasionaly a nosode will produce an exacerbation of symptoms, but for most cats who've failed to respond to other treatment, it can sometimes bring impressive results.
FIV like HIV only causes AIDS when the immune response becomes over-activated.
There are three components to the medicine. The first is palm kernal oil which contains lauric acid. The second is an emulsifier called Lecithin. Lecithin is simply a gross looking concoction of soy-derived phospholipids that holds water and oil solutions together in the form of an emulsion. The third component is N-acetyl-cysteine, vitamin C, zinc chloride or zinc sulfate, alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-L-carnitine. These components are dissolved in distilled or deionized water. Tap water is not acceptable because it contains chlorine. Try to purchase these products as capsules. If they are pills, you will need to grind them into a powder in a small food processor. If capsules, open the capsules and empty the contents into the water. Some of these products contain other compounds that will not dissolve in water. Do not worry about it. Put all the dry ingredients together in about one half cup of warm distilled water, mix in a teaspoon of Lecithin and one cup of palm kernal oil. Prepare the tea by bioling ten or so green tea bags. Now concentrate the tea down to a few ounces. Do not burn the tea. Add one ounce concentrated tea (a shot glass) to the other liquid components. Add some pieces of tuna or sardines to give it flavor, and emujlsify in a blender. The more disgusting it smells, the better your cat will like it. Now, put it on your cats' furry little arms-lots of it. Be generous. Your cat may hate you, but they will definitely lick the emulsion off their fur. Do this daily.
Dr Alice Villalobos Specialist in Cancer uses FIV Cell Forte one capsule per 10 pounds of cat per day on empty stomach and Agaricus Bio 45mg per day. Milk thistle was also included. Injection drug T-cyte Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator was Epithyme invented by Terry Bearsley; version of Thymus protein A Increases counts around 25% Book, "Canine and Feline Geriatric Oncology"
Supplement shows stimulation of PBMC. Pumpkin seed contains 50% fatty acid of which 25% oleic acid and 55% linoleic acid. These fatty acids promote the proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells
NIGELLA SATIVA contains Omega 6 and 3 that increases bone marrow
High in Oleic and linoleic acid
International journal of infectious disease 2005 9, 292-293
Could iodine be effective in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus and AIDS-associated opportunistic infections?
In an-uncontrolled case study, it was found that an adult cat diagnosed with end-stage FIV recovered within eight weeks of treatment with a daily oral gavage of a commercially available iodine solution (tincture of iodine (2.5% W/V), 4 ug in 10 ml water, three times daily). More, for at least five years there was no futher clinical evidence of disease in this cat. The animal's recovery may have been due to iodine's broad spectrum therapeutic effect on opportunistic infections, or possibly because of suppression of viraemia
John C.L. Marno, Mary Naissides...School of Public Health, Curtin Univerisity, Bentley Campus, Perth, West Australia 6102 E-mail address
E-mail copy
Hi there, joel,
It's been awhile since I've talked to you but I found something interesting to help my FIV kitty, Lucky. I sat down one day and just thought about this virus and came to the conclusion this was just a "stubborn" virus and just thought about what would be effective for it. I had taken a product for serious staff infection sometimes ago and decided to give some of this to Lucky. This product is labeled D.A.G. After I gave him a few doses (3 or 4cc for a week) of this he began to gain weight and his appetite came back and his bowel movements became mostly hard again. Lucky also doesn't seem to suffer from anemia as much and I haven't had to give him any Carao syrup in a while, which I gave him when he appeared overly tired.
COMMENT: Access "D.A.G. Solution" which is similar to WO0178751 Antiviral and antibacterial pharmaceutical preparation "Armenicum" and its use for treatment of infectious a result of halogenation, new agents emerge, which do not possess the properties of a virus
iodine inactivates viruses by interfering with the protein coat of the virus by oxidation of sulf-hydroxyl groups
Enhance immune system
Maitake mushroom capsules, Enhance herbal tablets, Resist herbal tablets-these are used along with drugs. Enhance and Resist are formula from Traditional Chinese Medicine. Some Chinese formulas are very good. The problem with HIV inhibitor herbs is the amount needed to inhibit is too large unless the person is the size of an elephant. If you purify the active element then you end up with a toxic drug which what they do in Western medicine.
Activists HIV treatment
SPV-30, Licorice Root, Bitter Melon, Curcumin-in human trial of asymptomatic patients reduced viral load on 60% of patients.
Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia)
LIFE CYCLE-translation
Belongs to superfamily of Ribosome Inactivating Proteins (RIP).MAP30 toxicity appears to be specific to viral infected cells. Bitter Melon suppresses lymphocytes.
Curcumin (Curcuma longa)
LIFE CYCLE-transcription
Is used as a spice in India. Curcumin is considered a weak inhibitor.
LIFE CYCLE-reverse transcriptase
Showed viral load reduction in trial for about 60% of patients. Reductionof viral load was 0.3 log.
Licorice Root-has been used in many Traditional Chinese Medicine formulas.
WOBENZYM with Rutin .... 21 HIV patients stabilized CD4 count and HIV-RNA level with CD4 counts 200 to 500 over 42 weeks.
Microbial Translocation Prompts Systemic Immune Activation in HIV
Much work recently has shown that the gut is immunologically damaged in acute infection. New study shows the consequences of the gut damage and how it may cause disease progression. So, one avenue for therapy might be to develop methods to reconstitue the gut immune system.
Lactobacillus Sporogenes (Thorne) for kidney
Azodyl for kidney
Acidophilus(Florajen) antibiotic
Pet Dophilus contains Vitamin C, Metabolin, Whey Protein, Probiotic-Lactobacillus rhamnosus RO11, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum M602, Bifidobacteria longum BB536, Enterococcus faecium R026
STUDY:HIV-1 Kills Immune cells in the Gut that may never bounce back
Researcher found that the number of CD4+ T cells in the gut lining dropped by up to 60% within the first few weeks of becoming HIV-positive and that HIV not only destorys CD4+ T cells in the gut but that it also provokes the immune system to attack itself. In addition, 70% of study participants lost more than 50% of the CD4+ T cells in their lower gut, even though they began highly active antiretroviral therapy within about three weeks of HIV infection.
The damaged immune system in the gut needs to be rebuild. Colostrum may help in rebuilding.
Pau D'arco 100mg/3% napthoquinone
HIV inhibitor
Pau D'arco has proved effective in dealing with opportunistic organisms that occur with AIDS. A large amount of Pau D'arco can have undesirable side effects.
Pau D'arco an antibiotic herb I used along with Cat's Claw and Black Walnut as my main treatment for my cat Max. He lasted only two months after being identified as having AIDS. Pau D'arco did do away with Max's sneezing.
I don't think Cat's Claw should be used for FIV.
Pau D'arco is active against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and aspergillus niger.
Grapefruit seed extract
I was looking though the documentation on disinfectives yesterday and found that it inactivates HIV in vitro. Most pet owners will not use it, because they are afraid it will burn their pet.
Grapefruit Seed extract an antibiotic is used to disinfect a litter box from Toxoplasmosis. Inactivates Toxoplasmosis internally I don't know but Usnea does. When CD4 count goes down to 100 the cat will become very sick from Toxoplasmosis. Along with treating it you should try to increase the CD4 count in order to have a immune system that can deal with the disease by itself without using drugs. May want to put a few drops of Grapefruit seed into the water the cat drinks to disinfect it.
Grapefruit seed is a quaternary ammonium compound. Mr Kitty had flu March 7. And I started giving it to Kitty March 10 in the water part of tuna fish he eats.
Integrase inhibitors are a new class of drugs that are being developed that inactivates the integrase enzyme that allows HIV to penetrate the cell nucleus after the gene vpr signals to direct HIV through the nuclear membrane. After penetration the HIV virus integrates into the host cell through the action of the viral integrase enzyme. Once integrated the HIV establishes a virus producing infection.
It turns out that the assay integrase has been indicating herbs that are not inhibiting integrase. But there is new assay which corrects this problem.
Niacinamide..inhibit catalysing necessary to integration
Niacinamide can boost plasma tryptophan. Tryptophan depletion with FIV infection. There are potential links between disturbed tryptophan metabolism and pathogenesis.
HIV protease is not the same as FIV protease.
Prunella Vulgaris(Allheal).........Ursolic acid
Anti-viral against herpes simplex (HSV). Antimutagenic activity against cancer. There are several other steps in the Life Cycle process that this herb inhibits: virus adsorption, reverse transcriptase, glcosylation.
Lactoferrin........Extracted from Colostrum.
It is an antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, iron-binding protein with therapeutic effects in cancer, HIV. Inhibited the infection of HIV to tissue culture cells and virus absorption to cells (Binding assay).
Oral administration of lactoferrin improves intractable stomatitis and enhances host defense system in FIV positive cats. Stomatitis is inflammation of the mucosa of the mouth. Sometimes bleeding or white patches in the mouth can be seen. Both Gingivitis and Glossitis are form of stomatitis.
In study 40mg/kg (kg=2.679) applied topically to the oral mucosa of cats with intractable stomatitis daily for 14 days and showed improvement of clinical signs of disease(pain-related response, salivation, appetite, and oral inflammation).
Inactivates enveloped viruses and kill cells. Monolaurin is effective against Herpes I & II, HHV-6A, Epstein-Barr virus, Influenza, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), HTLV (Leukemia), reduces HIV-1 cell-free virual load.
Fusion inhibitor blocks FIV binding and entering cells. Inhibitor is identified as betulinic acid.
Birch Bark..........Betulinic acid inhibits malignant melanoma
The use of a long-term herb protease inhibitor is needed to treat AIDS. The current standard treatment for AIDS is the "triple cocktail", two reverse transcriptase and one protease inhibitor.
One of the differences between drugs and herbs is potency. In order to compensate for a potency deficiency and also a resistance problem, I have created more cell targets than is now possible for humans in slowing the progress of the disease.
Virus adsorption..............Licorice root, Lactoferrin
Fusion..............................Birch Bark, Nettles
Reverse Transcriptase.....Olive Leaf, Green Tea
Latency may occur within the life cycle. Basically methylation effects transcription. Methylation is an ideal tool for maintaining a gene in its inactive state.
Possible biochemical mechanisms for demethylation process may be activated by a repair-type mechanism. Another method for demethylation is elevated homocysteine inhibits methylation processes in the body. It has been noted that TNF and IL-6 will cause demethylation. These are potent demethylating agents. Two things should be noted. Use antioxidants to prevent damage to cells. The other is use S-Adenosyl-L-Methionine (SAMe), Folic Acid, Vitamin B6, B12. These are reduced in HIV disease and increase homocysteine levels. Some people are using TMG instead of SAMe because of cost.
Chrysin inhibits HIV-1 activation by inhibiting casein kinase II (CKII), a protein involved in transcription. It has been recently demonstrated that the highly conserved protein kinase, casein kinase II (CKII), regulates critical aspects of function of the TATA Binding Protein in basal transcription. This represents the first evidense that TBP, the central transcription factor in the nucleus, is regulated by phosphorylation. Protein kinase CK2 exhibits elevated expression in a variety of cancers and induces lymphocyte transformation.
TAT inhibitor. Has shown to protect mice from viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections.
Reverses or halts gene activity.
The main purpose of resveratrol is to make other inhibitoring herbs work better and have more potency. This is similar to the function that Hydroxyurea has when added to anti-HIV drugs. It is clinically being tested for this purpose with other anti-HIV drugs.
Resveratrol protects the cells from both the activation of NF-kappa-B/DNA binding activity and apoptotic cell death. Resveratrol is an antioxidant present in red wine, It also inhibits IL-6 and inflammation. Resveratrol is used in cancer and heart disease treatment. Resveratrol inhibits some of the cellular enzymes that HIV needs to reproduce such as Protein Kinase C and also AP-1 that is part of exhancer region used for cellular transcription.
The HIV enzyme that makes DNA--reverse transcriptase--needs a higher concentration of the building blocks of DNA, the nucleotide pool, than does our cellular DNA-making machinery. Resveratrol inhibits DNA polymerase, a building block.
I found Resveratrol lab tests for HIV conflicting. It can activate latent T-cells. On another it inhibits dendritic cells.
Vitamin B1(Thiamine disulfide)
Thiamine disulfide was tested against transactivator (Tat)-mediated transactivation of HIV-1.
Thiamine disulfide depresses HIV-1 Tat activity in vitro. Thiamine disulfide (500microM) blocked 99.7% of HIV-1 production after 96 hr culture in acute HIV-1 (LAV-1) infection, whereas it inhibited 90-98% of HIV-1 production in chronic-infected cells (CEM/LAV-1, H9/MN, and Molt-4/IIIB). The results suggest that thiamine disulfide may be important for AIDS chemotherapy.
Alpha-lipoic acid
Lipoate inhibits NF-kB activation. NF-kB is a sensitive transcription factor, he function of which has been related to a number of pathological conditions where inflammation, growth or viral activation occur in HIV infection. Lipoate that inhibits transactivation of NF-kB may be of therapeutic importance to delay the onset and progression of AIDS. Lipoate has been found to inhibit reverse transcriptase activity and plaque formation. Lipoate possessed anti-HIV-Tat activity.
LTR (long terminal repeat) inhibitor drugs turn off the production of new virus particles by preventing the viral genes from being copied and packaged into new viral particles. The most prominent activator proteins are NK-kB and Tat. These proteins have been shown normally not to mutate. I have used the following to inhibit LTR:
Vitamin B1...NAC...Alpha-lipoic Acid...Ellagic Acid...Chrysin
Another method see Patent US5846961
NF-kB INHIBITORS..Yahoo access "NF-kB" heading.. Rel/NF-kB Transcription Factor
Curdlan sulfate is being tested for the treatment of Cytomegalovirus retinitis (DRG-0170).Mode of delivery is intravenous infusion.
Curdlan is the most concentrated form of B-Glucan.
Broccoli Sprout (Sulforaphane)
HIV pretreated for 30 sec, produced very little p24, and no detectable amount of this protein could be found after 2 min pre-treatment.
Sulforaphane increases glutathione levels and is antioxidant. It is known cancer preventive.
Korean Ginseng(Panax ginseng) increases the number of T-helper cells. Maitake which showed 97% inhibition protecting T-helper cells in vitro can also be used. These may not recover FIV-specific T-helper cells, but will protect and proliferate other T-helper cells to prevent opportunistic infections.
Folic Acid
Folic acid is needed by bone marrow for red and white blood cell production. It also creates methylation that lowers homocysteine levels and inhibits activation of FIV.
Two pilot studies were done on cats infected with the retrovirus FIV. In both studies the cats receiving the sterol/sterolin mixture maintained stable CD4 lymphocyte counts and suffered no deaths due to FIV, three years later.
In another study bet-sitosterol and beta-sitosterol glucoside stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation. It showed proliferation of T-cells was significantly enhanced from 20-920 percent. NK-cell activity was also increased.
A supplement that results from the above research is called,"Moducare". It contains 20mg sterol and 225 mcg sterinols per capsule. I think it is too expensive, Korean Ginseng contains the same steols. Adding Beta-Sitosterol gives more mg.
Some of the documentation on Moducare I found questionable. The longest living HIV patient on formula tested died of TB after 5 years. In one study FIV cats lived 6 years before progressing to AIDS without any treatment.
Melatonin enhances production of T-helper cells. Melatonin enhances IL-2, IL-6, and IFN-gamma production by human circulating CD4+ cells. Inhibits NO synthase induction.
DHEA enhances production of T-helper cells and increases IGF-1 and number of NK-cells. Be careful on dosage. Too high a dose causes liver damage.
Autoantibodies in HIV-infected individuals are 10-fold greater than in healthy humans. The solution is to inhibit elevation of Th2 cytokine (B-cells) and elevate Th1 (NK cells). B-cells create antibodies, but in this case instead of binding to a foreign invader bind to T-cells which are destroyed and create an autoimmune disease.
Autoantibody is defined as an antibody formed in response to and reacting against, an antigenic constituent of the individual's own tissues.
Long-term usage of HAART leads to a decline in mitochondrial DNA of certain organs, affecting their ability to function properly. After a month or two of use, antiretroviral agents such as AZT, ddi can cause problems in nerves, the pancreas, muscles and the liver. The trouble with the use of AZT is a cat can develop anemia within three weeks of starting treatment. The herbs listed below may help in reducing toxicity problems.
Astragalus, Ligustrum, Melatonin can be used to offset anemia.
Siliphos (milk thistle) help reduce liver enzyme levels.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) used for nausea and vomiting.
Antihistamine to reduce rash.
Alpha lipoic acid treat peripheral neuropathy
Glutamine (1500mg a day) for wasting, gas, bloating, diarrhea. It is best taken half an hour before food.
Acetyl-L-carnitine treats mitochondrial toxicity and myalgia. Increases IGF-1.
Nettle (Urtica dioica) has been used to treat anemia.
GastroPro for elevation of AST,ALT and pancreatic enzymes
Clindamycin with Seiko-keishi-to(Honso) treat toxoplasmosis
Shiitake to increase CD4 count and combats hepatits B. AZT suppresses bone marrow and can create anemia.
Vitamin B1 10mg, B2 5mg for Lactic acidosis
If needed, a combination to treat liver viral infection 100mg: Maitake 30%, Reishi 20%, Shiitake 25%, Cordyceps 25%. More than 80% of those with HIV are infected with hepatitis B.
Acidophilus capsules can help restore digestion if taking antibiotics.
The impaired function of T cells is characteristic of HIV infection. Decrease of intracellular cAMP levels increase/restore the proliferative and cytotoxic capacity of T cells from HIV-seropositive subjects in vitro. Compounds that are effective in the assays of immune function are inhibitors of various steps of the cAMP/PKA pathway.
Example is chinese herb dan-shen.
Dan Shen(Saliva miltiorrhiza)
Use: cardiovascular herb invigorates blood circulation.
The following herbs have tested in vitro:
Interaction between HIV-1 and gp120 and immobilized CD4 receptor.
Herb..........................% inhibition........ID50
Prunella Vulgaris................92.8..............23.8
Salvia miltiorrhiza...............86.6..............41.9
Panax ginseng....................24.4..............ND
Activity of recombinant HIV-1 reverse transcriptase.
Prunella Vulgaris................98.3..............26.0
Salvia miltiorrhiza...............33.9..............ND
Panax ginseng.....................9.2...............ND
Selected glycohydrolase enzymes.....%inhibition
Prunella Vulgaris...............93.0.............19.0.........70.9
Salvia miltiorrhiza..............98.2..............9.4..........70.3
Panax ginseng....................0..................0.............68.7
a-glucosidase has been found to be partly responsible for the glycosylation of HIV-1 gp120. Inhibitors of glycosylation could have potential therapeutic use by interfering with viral maturation. Other glycosylation inhibitors have been found to interfere with the expression of viral glycoproteins from HIV-1 infected cells.
I notice that the following new formula has some inhibitors. I think this should slow the progress of the virus.
Lactoferrin..........Shiitake....NAC.................Folic acid.......Prunella Vulgaris
Prunella Vulgaris..................Olive Leaf............Chrysin..........Dan Shen
Licorice Root......................Prunella Vulgaris.......NAC..........Korean ginseng
Dan Shen
Computational study of bindings of olive leaf extract (OLE) to HIV-1 fusion protein gp41
Lee-Huang S. etc
Discovery of small-molecule HIV-1 fusion and integrase inhibitor oleuropein and hydorxtyrosol.
Anti-HIV activity of olive leaf extract and synergism with HAART
Lee-Huang S. etc
The synergism between OLE and 3TC is about 10-fold greater than that betweeb OLE and AZT.
Viola Clear Fire Formula contains:
Oldenlandia 15.7%, Houttuynia 15.7%, Yedeon's Violet 11.8%, Woad Leaf 7.9%, Woad Root 7.9%, Selfheal 5.9%, Andrographis 5.9%, Tangerine Peel 4.7%, Honeysuckle Flower 4.7%, Forsythia Fruit 4.7%, Usnea 4.3%, Licorice Root 3.5%, Coptis 2.4%, Groomwell Root 2.4%, St. John's Wort 2.4%
Laktoferrin with Colostrum
For those that have trouble locating combination that I told about look at on internet infoseek for
Contents are as follows:
Lactoferrin 100mg Whole Colostrum 250mg Lysozyme 5mg
So Far I find Vital Pet works as a mild MAO. Had to stop using it after five months because it created an allergy
Procaine HCI 50.0 mg.... Ascorbic Acid 12.5 mg.... Niacin 8.0 mg.... Folic Acid 0.2 mg.... Biotin 0.15 mg.... Citric Acid 12.50 mg.... Potassium 5.50 mg.... Magnesium 2.00 mg
Cell Forte
One pet owner with FIV cat that had AIDS used this with Colostrum and saved cats life. It is noted to increase NK cells. In vitro was HIV inhibitor and likely was FIV inhibitor in this cat. Noted for treating Depression. In folk medicine used for hepatitis and nephritis.
Olive Leaf Extract 250mg Standardized to contain 15-25% Oleuropein
On internet Alta Vista access "" search engine followed by "Oli-Vet". You will find both and Vetri-Science Laboratories
This Olive Leaf is designed for cat use.
On an article on Traditional Chinese medicine criticism was directed to the problem of quality and dosage.
"Criticism of TCM centers on the problem of regulation of dose. Since the season, species, and collection and preparation techniques, and other variables can make a big difference in the potency of the herbs used, many doctors feel they cannot guarantee the dosage of the formulas used. Also, due to the time and equipment involved in preparing the herbal teas, many find the use of Chinese medicinal herbs inconvenient. While these problems could be overcome by controlled and scientific preparation procedures, it is not likely that drug companies will make this kind of effort."
Since the FDA does not control supplement quality as it does drugs, you have the problem that, what is stated on the label may not be in the capsule or bottle. The only thing the FDA controls is if sickness or death occurs from the supplement, it can then force the supplement manufacturer and distributor to take it off the market.
I have theory that is to inhibit replication with the use of Topoisomerase I inhibitor. Both Chrysin and Ellagic Acid are inhibitors of topoisomerase. Chrysin is also an inhibitor of Tat Protein and CK2.
DNA Topoisomerases enzymes are responsible for control and modification of DNA topology.Their function is the transformation of chromosomes from a supercoiled condensed state to uncoiled strands and vice versa. They control cell division. The herb Ellagic Acid (Ellagic Red21) inhibits topoisomerase I.