Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a retrovirus similar to HIV. It is spread by either FIV mother cat or bite by another FIV cat. Following initial infection, the virus is carried to regional lymph nodes. Where it may replicate in white blood cells known as T-lymphocytes. Infected cats may appear normal for years. Eventually, signs of immunodeficiency begin to develop, and the cat's ability to protect itself against infection is compromised. Likely, nonvirological mechanisms are predominant cause of CD4 cell loss.






Licorice(Viable Herbal Solutions) 1/2CAP or add (phosphatidylcholine, Bee Venom honey)+Glycine25mg,L-Methionine25mg Note*

Bupleurum liquid (Nature's Answer) one eye dropper

Melatonin 1 to 1 1/2mg (Twinlabs)

Alpha Lipoic acid 25mg (Twinlabs)

Acetyl-L-carnitine 250mg (Jarrow) 1/4 to 1/2 capsule

Viola Clear Fire 1/2 to one tablet (Golden Flower Chinese Herbs) Prescription required may use Forsythia 18 instead Better both

Royal Sun Agaricus (Eclectic) one eye dropper

Lactoferrin (Jarrow) 125mg

Olive Leaf Glycerite (Now) 1ml

Green Tea Phytosome (Enzymatic)50mg

Grape seed Phytosome (Enzymatic)50mg

Niacinamide 50-100mg (GNC)

Pet Dophilus 1/4 teaspoon

Note glycyrrhizic poorly absorbed by intestinal tract, so mix phosphatidylcholine+honey


"DefensePlus - Immune Support Formula" Immu-25

Theaflavin - FIV

Cell Forte for FIV and CNS

Lithospermum root for FIV and anti-inflammation


Resveratrol+Methyl Jasmonate with PhosphatidylCholine cancer

Monolaurin anti-inflammatory, inactivates FIV

boswellia anti-inflammatory

moducare anti-inflammatory

Lysozyme 50mg antibiotic

Forsythia 18 (Seven Forests) antibiotic

Viola 12 (Seven Forests)

Azodyl for kidney

Rhubarb for kidney

Lactobacillus Sporogenes (Thorne) probiotic

Note supplements for bacteria, protozoa on Mister Kitty and Tiger. Use probiotics with drug antibiotics


Large dose of Licorice root and long-term may have potassium depletion and blood pressure. Gotu Kola may help



lymph nodes are progressively replaced by collagen

There is a potential contribution of chronic immune activation to disease progression

CD4 less than 600 leaves cat open to bacteria infection. There is a five fold increase in cancer and diabetes with FIV. 32 percent of non-FIV older cats die from cancer


There is an association between FIV progression and deficiences of hormones. FIV creates adrenal destruction. Insufficiency can be result of cortisol resistance and binding protein dysfunction.

Chronic FIV causes stress that is followed by adrenal gland exhaustion.FIV end point can be fibrosis and destruction of bone marrow.

FIV disease can also dampen an effective endocrine response to illness. Hormones may fill a therapeutic role to facilitate recovery or stop a progressive debilitation.

Glucocorticoids help reduce an overactive immune system and limit damage to lymphoid tissue as anti-inflammatory agent. Chronic T-cell activation induces immunodeficiency. Glucocorticoids suppress this activation thereby slowing immunodeficiency.

Regulation of inflammation in FIV disease which glucocorticoids and natural interferon-alpha deal with and are over expressed in acute FIV. Low dose natural (not recombinant) human interferon-alpha may produce similar results as low dose prednisolone in treating chronic FIV.

So called "inductive" cytokines, such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), interleukin 1-beta (IL-1 beta), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) blocked can markedly reduce viral replication

Melatonin regulates HPA axis protects thymus. There is a reduction of Melatonin levels in FIV infected that parallels disease progression

Niacinamide to treat reduced Tryptophan

Probiotics for immunologically damaged gut

Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and cell damage. Alpha-lipoic reduces glycation. Carnitine prevents early apoptosis of CD4.

Suppression of NF-kB, AP-1 reduces virus replication

Glycyrrhizinate Forte, Green Tea(ECGC) and Houttuynia(Quercetin) are inhibitors of CK2 which stimulates FIV RT, PR and REV


HEMATOPOIESIS-Bone marrow and Thymus

Concern is keeping body producing cells from bone marrow and protecting thymus. Cytokines that damage bone marrow reduce cell production 40% and cause CD4 loss. Inflammatory cytokines also cause scarring (fibrosis) of lymph nodes.

Once cat identified with FIV it must be treated in order to stop the destruction of bone marrow. Destroyed bone marrow creates Acute Leukemia (cancer).

Besides Glycyrrhizinaate Forte (Jarrow), vitamin E and alpha lipoic acid maybe protective of bone marrow. Gotu Kola may prevent fibrosis and is used for adrenal support. Combined taurine/niacin may slow it. IGF-1 promotes hemotopoietic cells in bone marrow.

Perhaps of lesser consideration is the protection and regeneration of thymus which Melatonin does.

Note: FIV weaker than HIV




University of Florida researcher has developed feline AIDS vaccine Fel-O-Vax FIV

The USDA granted a license to Kansas-based Fort Dodge Animal Health to market the product developed by Janet Yamamoto, who co-discovered the feline immunodeficiency virus.


Can't use antibody tests for FIV detection and PCR sometimes gives false readings. On average 1 out of 10 tests.

Vaccine First study 67% effective 18/27 protective rate - Second study on kittens 84%.



You must give a CBC-Diff and Chem Screen blood test before starting treatment to get a baseline and will help in prognosis. Every six months these tests should be given to monitor feline FIV status. You may want to get cat stool sample to screen for intestinal parasites and candida

Tests used in diagnosis FIV are ELISA which checks for antibodies. This is confirmed by Western Blot or IFA test. Another test that can be used for confirmation is PCR. This test also gives viral load count. Testing standard see

CD4 test for cats can be got at Colorado State University, Ohio State University Veterinary Lab or Carolina State University the contact is Dr Mary Tompkins. 919-513-6255

Viral load test Service 916 267 2454

CD4 or viral load test is too expensive for most cats ($120 each), You can estimate FIV status using information from CBC-Diff and Chem Screen tests.



CBC-Diff assay gives total lymphocyte count(T, B, NK cells). TLC less than 1250 cells/mm may predict a CD4+ cell count less than 200 cells/mm or it could simply be bacteria infection that needs to be treated with antibiotic and then returns to normal. Asymptomatic FIV cat normally has same lymph count as non-FIV

Feline WBC is 4900-20,000 (age 2-6 17000, 10-14 13500), lymphocytes 1500-7000 (Age 2-6 6000, 10-14 2500).

Feline Cytopenias are lymphopenias less than 1,500 lymphocytes, nonresponsive anemias(hematocrit less than 24%), neutropenias less than 2,500



Veterinarian may feel comfortable using drug Prednisolone 1-2mg for FIV; HIV uses 5mg for stopping progression to AIDS. Multiferon and Alfaferone (Human natural interferon-a) is new experimental drugs that may be tried. Alferon is now available in U.S.

Low Dose Naltrexone acts as immune modulator

3TC/abacavir or FTC/viread failure will reduce FIV wild type strength to 29% which makes it easy to create undetectable viral load using supplements.

In reproduction a single FIV cell is able to productively infect 10 new cells.

Some antiviral therapies for HIV have shown efficacy and similar to FIV-infected cats. AZT 5mg/kg bid should be used with Mitocnol does away with anemia. Some text books show only the use of AZT and when PCV 20 to stop and wait one or two weeks for reading to return to normal before returning to use drug. AZT/3TC/Mitocnol works for prophylactic treatment. DDI,3TC, abacavir, tenofovir seem effective for chronic disease. Viread/3TC may work for prophylactic treatment (acute infection). Check for toxic problems using drugs.

HIV drug resistence indicated that human HIV patients whose viral loads dropped only five-fold or less at day six almost always responded poorly, that is, the virus concentration rebounded three months later.


NOTE: After HIV drug failure which weakened virus using supplements including SPV-30 pet owner FIV cat went from 54,000 to undetectable in three months on viral load. See for information



Isentress - integrase inhibitor(raltegravir by merck) FIV integrase is similar to HIV ADD two NRTI to intergrase inhibitor this should be the standard antiretroviral treatment for Feline AIDS use Abacavir/3TC or FTC/Viread with it



AMD3100 0.5mg/kg q12h SQ CXCR4 inhibitor Bone Marrow stimulate

TL-3 FIV Protease inhibitor (contact John Elder or Dr C.H.Wong)

Tipranavir FIV Protease inhibitor

AZT with Epogen is possible NucleomaxX better

AZT + Melatonin

Hydrea (inhibits dendritic cells) is toxic to bone marrow


DDI plus Resveratrol with lecithin and Quercetin


FTC/Viread Plus Resveratrol with lecithin and Quercetin/Green Tea Phytosome/Grapeseed phytosome


FTC/Viread plus Alferon may work well

ABC/FTC/Viread adding interferon may help against resistence

Abacavir/Tenofovir/3TC Tenofovir(Viread) also good for FeLV. If failure adding Hydrea may help

After first HIV drug add second month later and check for toxicity


One cat on ABC/3TC/Viread plus Omega interferon Diabetic developed CRF after a year, poor glucose control. (Martina Menz cat Poose See

Second cat(hepatitis) on combination ABC/3TC/Viread without interferon (lowest Viral load count 2040) Added Glycyrrhizinate Forte. Hepatitis gone. Dropped HIV drugs after year See

Another tried Viread/FTC 160,000 went to 42,000. A little weak I think. Should add supplements. Added Omega Interferon, Failed at 10 months but continued with interferon, vitamin C & E. NAC lowered viral load when added. Interferon increased lymphocytes 1500 to 6160 switching to Alferon Jan 07. Continued with FTC to maintain 183V


Note: If 3TC fails (183V) its use should continue as 183V weakens FIV and slows the viral progression.

Viread with DDI, Increases DDI 60%. It is unclear whether DDI and another HIV drug is safe.

FTC is now available and similar to 3TC

DDI plus Prunella in vitro inhibits HIV 69-74%, DDI alone 10%

Viola Clear Fire contains Houttuynia (Quercetin) inhibits HIV gene VPR. Whether it inhibits Dutp a similar gene in FIV maybe possible. The problem with HIV drugs is viral mutation. And any target that does not mutate (NF-KB, VPR/DU) avoids this problem. I am finding this Chinese formula to be effective in treating FIV.


Studies have shown using AZT as example that herbs like Prunella vulgaris, Korean Red Ginseng will have a synergistic effect and add to the strength of inhibition. Dan Shen shows inhibitory actives both on AZT sensitive and resistant virus strains and synergistic with AZT.

Long-term usage of HAART leads to a decline in mitochondrial DNA of certain organs. Use of antiretroviral agents such as AZT, ddi can cause problems in nerves, the pancreas, muscles and the liver. The trouble with the use of AZT is a cat can develop anemia within three weeks of starting treatment.

SAMe(S-adenosylmethionine) for protection of liver, CNS and brain There is a problem of FIV virus passing the brain barrier and having the virus destroy brain cells which cause neurologic manifestations. This gets worse as the disease advances.

The adding of Licorice(Glycyrrhizinate Forte) to HIV drug increases T-cells.

Despite HAART mediated control of viral replication, people with very low t-cell counts remain at risk for developing any and all of the classic opportunistic infections that define AIDS. This is also true for cats.


PATENT NO. US5846961


Inventor Van Dyke, Knox

Basically the following is used: DEPOMEDROL 20mg injections for three or four months (inventor claimed) along with the daily use of NAC 1200mg, vitamin C 500mg, Vitamin E 200IU, and Pet Tab.

Controlled trial showed good results, Prednisolone 1.5mg/da for lifetime gives better control

1993, several prominent researchers are investigating the role of reactive oxygen and free radicals in the activation of latent HIV in infected individuals. Early clinical applications of free radical scavengers and plant-based antioxidant systems have shown promise of efficacy in altering this process. The premise is 'oxidative stress' as an important element in HIV progression and a basis for the use of these phytopharmaceutical substances. Inhibition of NF-kB creates latancy that reduces viral load.

I have noted that some vets are using Prednisolone 1-2mg/da with antibiotic to reduce symptoms of FIV. Hydrocortisone 10mg/da or less may also work



Patent No. US5846961 using FIV cat didn't inhibit a opportunistic infection while treating cat which can be a problem with a immunosuppressive drug which weakens the immune system.

I had my cat in kennel 11 days being treated with this patent method and he picked up a virus from the kennel I found when I got him home. It is possible to activate latent herpes or upper respiratory viruses. And vaccinations do not work on FIV cats with advanced disease.

DEPOMEDROL is immunosuppressive which reduces the host factors that drive viral replication in chronic FIV.


Stray, didn't think he last two days, Chem test O.K.

Patent treatment May 19 till 05/29/01 and second injection.


CBC-Diff and Chem screen tests

05/29/01 lymph 1441 auto, 2358 manual looks normal

01/07/02 lymph 1569 auto,

07/11/02 lymph 5114 auto, 3186 manual, blood work normal.

01/08/03 lymph 2258 auto

07/08/03 lymph 3465 auto, 3069 manual

01/14/04 lymph 1264 auto, 1767 manual Chem sceen lab problem

06/30/04 lymph 992 auto.. 1520 manual Platelet 825

10/28/04 lymph 942 auto...1824 manual

01/13/05 lymph 1752 auto diagnosed diabetes trying Glipizide + Benfotiamine + Bitter Melon + Chromium + Green Tea Phytosome failed

07/22/05 lymph 1150 auto

12/13/05 lymph.............1710 manual

04/17/06 lymph.............1539 m bacteria infection

06/06/06 lymph..............774 m

09/21/06 lymph.............1180 m

11/01/06 lymph................745 m bacteria infection

12/27/06 lymph.............1328 m

05/11/07 lymph.............2737 m

07/06/07 lymph.............1320 m liver disease and stopped eating, low wbc, anemia, infection

07/30/07 Mister Kitty passed away from liver disease and maybe FIPV or Pancreatitis. He was 17 years old


Cat treatment:

06/05/01 Viola Clear Fire (tincture) .. 07/31/01 Vitamin C 100-200mg replaced 09/01/01 by Resveratrol Synergy(Jarrow formula) containing vitamin C 100mg, Resveratrol 16mg, Grapeskin 100mg, Grapeseed 50mg, Green Tea 200mg. 12/13/01, started using milk thistle 75mg to protect liver. These items listed above dropped 07/01/02

05/19/01 Alpha Lipoic 50mg, Melatonin 3mg,

05/19/01 Laktoferrin with Colostrum dropped(12/31/02)

05/19/01 Vitamin E 400IU dropped 10/04/02

03/10/02 Grapefruit seed dropped 01/10/03 started 07/02/04

04/28/02 Bupleurum(tincture) for anti-inflammation

05/01/02 month of Prednisolone 2-5mg/da correct wasting problem after vaccination Feb.

06/03/02 Glycyrrhizinate Forte fifth/cap

06/28/02 Felo-Form half/tab dropped 01/23/03

12/19/02 Dan Shen tincture.dropped 12/31/02

01/10/03 Viola Clear Fire + 02/01/03 Prunella vulgaris/Dan Shen liquid 03/04/05

01/12/03 acetyl-L-carnitine 250mg

04/02/03 Gotu Kola tincture (root and leaf)

11/28/03 Cell Forte 1/4 cap 01/16/04 dropped

12/02/03 Diarrhea..Clavamox + Oregon Grape-week cat had?

07/09/04 Agaricus tincture

07/17/04 Black Walnut drop 01/14/05 07/28/05

07/19/04 Clindamycin 25mg two weeks

07/31/04 Eye problem-Mycoplasma? ophthalmic ointment few days

08/04/04 Olive Leaf tincture

08/14/04 Usnea tincture d 01/14/05 s 11/24/06 d 03/01/07

12/02/04 Lactoferrin

01/14/05 Lysozyme

03/21/05 PZI U-40 Beef/pork insulin, Niacinamide, Benfotiamine

04/06/05 Green Tea Phytosome. Bilberry

07/13/05 Grape Seed Phytosome 50mg

08/13/05 Nettle Seed, Forsythia 18, Oregon Grape, forsythia, lonicera, scute drop Oregon 12/16/05 start 06/09/06 dr 06/28

12/16/05 Rehmannia Six drop 04/26

12/24/05 Cordyceps drop 04/26

01/24/06 Indian Gooseberry drop 04/266

02/25/06 Shark Cartilage drop 04/26

02/28/06 Pyridoxall with Pyridoxamine (Jarrow) drop 04/26

03/25/06 Carnosine

04/19/06 Clindamycin drop 05/15 start 06/09 dr 07/01 s 10/24 d 11/11

04/21/06 Folic acid drop 04/26

04/29/06 Prednisolone 10mg drop 05/29, s11/09 2 1/2mg d12/16

04/29/06 Astaxanthin

05/20/06 D.A.G. Solution drop 05/28 s 11/14 d 11/23

07/21/06 Vital Pet drop 12/27 caused allergy

09/05/06 Rhubarb root

11/08/06 Cell Forte

11/16/06 Acidophilus 11/20 Azodyl, Pet Dophilus(Jarrow) 12/02 Lactobacillus Sporogenes(Thorne)

02/28/07 Black Walnut/Grapefruit seed/Pumpkin seed

04/07/07 Chlorpheniramine 14/days

05/22/07 Velvet Antler

06/09/07 Pau d'Arco 80% of diabetics have fungi

NOTE: CD134 and CXCR4 FIV entries. CXCR4 is primary FIV entry. Chinese skullcap(flavonoid) inhibits CXCR4, CCR5, Forsythia CXCR4, OPC Grapeseed inhibits entry to CCR5, Licorice root CCR5

Green Tea Phytosome may have better bioavailability inhibits CD4 and CXCR4

I used on Blackie..Grape Seed Tru-opc 75mg, Green Tea 400mg. May have helped in not progressing to AIDS.


4 yrs old. FIV at 2 yrs old

Started Vitamin E 200IU few months June lost weight. drop

08/01/02 Alpha Lipoic 50mg gel drop 01/25/06,

08/01/02 glycyrrhizinate+Melatonin+Kittyvite into 400IU softgel on paw. Bupleurum added very small amount

06/13/03 Acetyl-L-carnitine

07/28/03 Viola Clear Fire 1/4 tablet

10/08/04 Agaricus 400mg 1/4 capsule

05/21/05 Olive Leaf

06/20/05 Clavamox 1ml/bi/da five days

07/09/05 Green Tea Phytosome

08/24/05 Forsythia 18

11/05/05 Black Walnut Hull/Grapefruit Seed/Pumpkin Seed dr/12/07/08

11/16/05 Niacinamide

08/10/07 T-cell Formula dr 01/22/08

10/03/07 Wobenzym dr 01/22/08

01/22/08 Cell Forte

06/20/08 Lactoferrin

06/20/08 Pet Dophilus

06/23/08 Russian Choice Immune dr12/07

08/21/08 Boswellia

11/17/08 glycyrrhizinic

12/07/08 DefensePlus

02/20/09 Honey

Lymph count

7/08/02 2200 manual wbc 4.4

4/07/03 2279

9/16/03 6363 auto 5880 manual

3/24/04 2550 auto 3240 manual

8/25/04 2483 auto 2080 manual

4/20/05 1564 auto 2380 manual infection?

6/16/05 1752 auto 2065 manual

1/25/06 2070 auto

7/11/06 3034 auto

1/30/07 2764 auto

8/08/07 2340 auto

1/22/08 2010 auto wbc 7.31

6/20/08 1170 auto

12/02/08 1540 auto



Trial on NAC and vitamin C large decrease in viral load and increase in CD4+ counts on people with CD4+ counts below 200, slight decrease in viral load above CD4+ 200 count

Trial on vitamin C and E combination showed viral reduction and increase of CD4+ counts. Vitamine E inhibits FIV latent activation

Curcumin inhibits NF-kB but low systemic bioavailability add Piperine or Bromelain

Licorice root trial showed it increased survival.

Folic acid, Vitamin B12, SAMe (S-adenosylmethione) in vitro stumlated DNA methylation which decreased virus replication.

Two main monitor tests is CD4+ and viral load counts.



NOTE: Received an e-mail report of cat death on reaction to drug interferon

Some vets have reported some success in treating symptoms with interferon.


NOTE: e-mail from someone that used ImmunoRegulin that production of cytokines adversely affected kidneys.

e-mail was from John Finlow

He treated his cat Push with DDI and Hyrea. I noted it indicated the viral load tested negative with treatment.

His use of HIV drugs peaked to six months and then went back to baseline at 12 months. Mutation of virus occurs with HIV drugs. Now he has to find another method to treat his cat.

Combinations of anti-HIV drugs successfully suppressed the virus for 12 months or more in only one-third of infected Americans, so patients are having to change drugs and regimens increasingly often to maintain their benefits.

The owner of Push conducted small trial on myself. He took AZT/3TC and found that after only five days he had to quit! Couldn't stand the constant nausea 24 hours a day! He felt sorry for the cat that has to take these drugs and would not give them to Push. Though he suspected ddI and especially Hydrea have similar effects. When he tried d4T on Push she suffered from hematurea and pain on urination.

Push owner seems interested in Panax ginseng. I thought that he would be interested in using Depomedrol and that ginseng may be in conflict with that. I am interest to see what happens with vitamin/herbs formula as his cat is advanced with AIDS. I know that pet owners are unhappy with using any drugs even if their side effects maybe mild. All drugs have side effects. The HIV drugs are very toxic.

I recommanded AZT, 3TC, Hyroxychloroquine for eight weeks, then Hyroxychloroquine, Cystamine, NAC, Alpha lipoic, Ginseng, Licorice, vitamins daily. This prevent rebound. Viral load will decrease 1.5 log in four weeks.

The PCV should be monitored periodically in AZT treated cats, as anemia is a common side-effect. If the PCV drops below 20%, treatment may be stopped for a few days, and then reinstituted when the PCV is normal again.


AZT, 3TC stopped after a month because of anemia and jaundice (liver problem). See patent WO9960988. Use AZT/3TC for prophylactic treatment, but not chronic virus. Erythropoietin can help anemia problem.

Push had bad case of AIDS and nearly died in 1998. Cat did DDI/Hydrea one year. Tried AZT/3TC, then Abacavir. Stopped Abacavir because of pre-existing condition. Cat now using again DDI without Hydrea. October dropped DDI started 3TC. Later added DDI with it.

Push passed away November 22nd from Hepatic Encephalopathy. Cat had a toxoplasmosis problem. Vet told pet owner that NAC is not good for long term use for liver. I don't think NAC is toxic long term for liver, But there is a warning for diabetics. I noted that two antibiotics given Push to treat Toxoplasmosis used P-450 system. DDI can cause hepatic problems. The combination of drugs (DDI/3TC, Doxycycline, Azithromycin) may have been too toxic for liver.

Warning: Glutamine increased risk of encephalopathy

Doxycycline a Tetracycline antibiotic should be used with care in animals with liver or kidney disease. This cat had CRF. Avoid in liver disease. Dose relate hepatic toxicity especially by the intravenous route. The other drug used was Azithromycin.

"Spontaneous apoptosis of FIV-infected was inhibited by NAC, unlike reported in HIV, death of cat lymphocytes was inhibited by activation".




Dear John.....

I just did a follow up call on one case that I started on (DDI + Hydrea) March 15th 1998 and continued medication thru May of 1999.

The cat was very sick when we started. He responded very well and regained his weight up to 14 pounds again and then got sick in June of 2000 and was euthanatized in July of 2000. The owner said that "Bob" only had mild vomiting at the start and handled the medication very well.

As for the follow up medication after the DDI/HU regimen:

I am now using IP6 from Phytopharmica. Also I give oral beta glucan available from Immudyne. These are safe and have no side effects even for anemic Virus Positive cats.

I also use Ambrotose (a compound of 8-10 gycoprotiens) which has mannose in it available from Mannatech Corporation. It is a tri-level type of product and you can get it via e-mail order.


One potential effect of corticosteroid administration is inhibition of the cytokine pathway that would otherwise favor both increased HIV replication and the anorexia or catabolism associated with the immunoactivated state....



Effect of melatonin on NF-kappa-B DNA-binding activity in the rat spleen.

Investigated the relationship of the melatonin level and the NF-kB DNA binding activity in the spleen of Sprague. Dawley rats. These in vivo results indicate that NF-kB DNA binding activity in the spleen is lower at night, when endogenous melatonin levels are elevated, than during the day, when endogenous melatonin levels are lower. Furthermore, exogenously administered melatonin (10 mg/kg) was shown to cause a significant decrease in NF-kB DNA binding activity in the spleen at 60 min after intraperitoneal injection (as compared with vehicle-treated rats). Findings suggest that the normal night time rise which can be expected for melatonin may be associated with increased NF-kB DNA binding activity in the spleen. The melatonin therefore, could potentially act to modulate spleen function and/or the immune system by regulating the NF-kB DNA binding activity in the spleen.



Effects of glycyrrhizin in hemophilia patients with HIV infection

Tohoku J Exp Med 1989 May;159(1):25-35

Mori K; Sakai H; Suzuki S; Sugai K; etc

Doses of GL (200-800 mg/day) were intravenously administered for more than 8 weeks to 9 hemophila A patients with HIV infection (asymptomatic carrier, AC). Lymphocyte count increase in all 9 cases OKT4 OKT8 ratio was elevated in 6 out of the 9 cases and OKT4-positive lymphocytes increase in 8 out of the 9 cases; 66.7% and 88.9% improvement respectively. Liver dysfunction, noted in 4 cases, clearly improved....From these results, large dose administration of GL to HIV-postive hemophilia patients (AC) seems to be effective in preventing development of AC into AIDS by raising the number of decreased OKT4 lymphocytes and improving liver dysfunction

NOTE: One study showed oral glycyrrhizin treatment 150-225 mg/day on 16 HIV patients for 3 to 7 years showing stable T-cell numbers



In patent no. US5846961 Licorice Root (glycyrrhizin) is one of the drugs listed

I use licorice root

Garlic can create anemia

It is best to use Melatonin with herbs that inhibit FIV.

The purpose of melatonin is to increase CD4+ counts and is shown to do this. Other use protect thymus. In order to maintain the immune system against FIV, the protection of thymic compartments must be maintained

In book MELATONIN BY Russel J. Reiter and Jo Robinson, chapter 5 "New Hope for AIDS Patients" Patients were given a low-dose injection of IL-2 and a 20 milligram tablet of melatonin. (The medication was given in the evening.) The study lasted for one month. On average, the patients showed a significant increase in levels of natural killer cells and activated T cells, as well as an improvement in the ratio of T-helper to suppresser T cells, a factor that is regarded as an indicator of the progression of the disease. The treatment did not increase viral replication


News 4/26/2002

Manganese blocks HIV replication. Increasing manganese in cells can halt HIV ability to process genetic info backwards.



Prednisolone 1-2mg Agaricus, Cell Forte


FECV Glycyrrhizinate Forte + Oregano Leaf + Lutimax + theaflavin lecithin, increase IFN-y












L-carnitine prevents early apoptosis along with wasting

Combination of L-Glutamine/arginine/lysine/HMB

L-Glutamine with Lecithin

Prednisolone 5mg for a month

AndroGel (testosterone)

Creatine for three months



Thymogen thymus extract treats opportunistic infections.. Patent 5,728,680 METHODS FOR NORMALIZING NUMBERS OF LYMPHOCYTES

Thymomodulin (Leucotrofina) thymus extract

Thymosin-Alpha 1 (Zadaxin)..thymus hormone


T-cyte Lymphocyte T-Cell Immunomodulator for FIV prescription required..SQ injection once a week for four weeks then monthly



Mushroom Immune Defense, 16-mushroom complex or Immune FX..

Agaricus blazei .see Patent 6,120,772 Seven AIDS patients increased CD4 200-300 percent in 3 months

Black Walnut/Grapefruit seed/Pumpkin Seed, Cell Forte, Pet Dophilus (Jarrow)


Wellness Transfer Factor



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