Welcome to Spidey's Homepage!

Hi! I'm the newest member of the Swift family. My Mom called me Spidey mainly because when she came to the vets looking at all us kittens, she was only looking at the girls. I had already decided that I was going home with her, so I climbed up the side of the metal wire cage we were kept in trying to get her to notice me. Well, after I was hanging upside down from the ceiling of the cage, she finally noticed me! She picked me up, and I started to purr really loud (that will gets women every time!). And home I went with her! It's a good name for me, because I also like to try to jump up the walls, trying to catch all those pesky shadows.

Here is me and my Mom together, She says I have large ears and that means I am going to be a big kitty some day!

My Dad is pretty cool too! He has this neat box thing that has things that move on it all the time, and he lets me help him chase them. It's a ton of fun!

My brother and sister weren't too sure of me at first, but now they play with me all the time. My favorite game is to chase their tails. Misty is teaching me how to bird watch. It's a blast! Sometimes I get too excited though and scare the birds away. But I'm trying! Ash is my big brother! He is teaching me lots of cool things, like how to play with the mousies that Mom leaves for us, and how to get the humans to turn on the faucet. He's having some trouble teaching me not to get my head soaked when I drink from it though.

Well all this excitment is making me sleepy! I think I'm going to go take a nap in my basket. Come back soon!