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Nueboree Made to Order

Nueboree Made to Order (IMP AUS)
Breed: German Spitz (mittel)
DOB: 30 July 2000
Sire: Aust.Ch Atetak Cadbury Swirl(AUS)
Dam: Nueboree Hidden Asset(AUS)

Kayla is born in Sydney Australia en flew over to Perth, Western Australia to join me at 8 weeks of age. When we got home we carefully introduced her to our Rottweilers, She was about as big as their head so we stayed right beside her the whole time but were dumbfounded when Kayla marched right up to them and showed them who was the boss! It was unbeliveable that the rottweilers let themselves get bossed around by such a little dog!
But one thing was for sure she was a little dog with ALOT of spunk!

A little pup who wanted to explore the world. She always wanted to play around with the BIG dogs and my heart skipped a beat when she would hang off their ears or climb over thier backs but thier were always extra gentle with her.
When Kayla was 6 months old I entered her in her first show. She didn't care a bit about the bigger dogs and happliy pranced around the ring. Kayla recieved her very first ribbon that day! After a year of Showing and Obedience, Kayla now has quite a few wins on her name and her Grade 3 Obedience Certificate!

©whitesun Kayla has quite a history, in the last 3 years she has had her share of accidents and all of them with a happy ending! When she was 4 months old she escaped from the yard and ran out onto the road right in front of a car. When the car didn't stop I ran to the side of the road expecting the worst but Kayla was sitting on the road looking up at us. She was so small the car had gone right over her without even leaving a mark. I'm just glad she stayed where shed been! 2 months later she was able to get hold of my hairdryer and chewed through the electrical cord. All she got from that is a small burn in her mouth witch has left a scar behind but nothing too bad. In the year that followed she ate Cockroach bait, a box of chocolate and a sponge and the only thing she had a tummy ache from was the chocolate!! I have heard that cats have 9 lives but dogs too? Well this one does!

In September 2001 we moved to Europe. A new home, a new beginning. We left the Conformation showing behind in Oz and started Flyball and Agility. It's quite diffrent from Showing but Kayla enjoys herself and so am I. We still miss our friends but are settling settled in nicely, Kayla has a new playmate who she bosses around all the time but he doesn't seem to mind. I think growing up with rottweilers has made Kayla think she is one herself. This is not all too bad considdering she is the smallest dog in her agility class!



Updated March 2004
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