"Oh...Quite! *Ahem*... I never actually got to the question with anyone before...I always end up slaying them before hand. I always enjoy a good frey! Nobody passes without my permission! I give the questions...nobody dares to defy me....nor would they want to risk such a foolish act! You see, I am the main guard of this Site. My soul purpose is to guard the main entrance from unworthy creatures, such as you yourself may very well be! Anyone who dares to pass without my consent may sample the wrath of my blade and thensome! The last three dogs to do so, were slaughtered and sent to the smoke house. So I repeat, do not be unwise ....for you could meet your worst fate this very minute by doing so! And further more...."
"I'm in a hurry here and I'm not all to sure if I understand...What was the question?"
*Point* "Wow, Look! Tony Danza is standing right behind you!" *Shove Past Him Quickly*
" I have to respect such a Noble Warrior....it is a great honor to stand in your presence!"