The Family Album.


The Family

From the left Mieke, with Gwen,
Ben, Gordon with Lance,
last but not least Aaron

The Family
Travis's Graduation.
Aaron, Travis and Ben.

Lance a couple of days old

This is Lance
as a very
young puppy

Lance and Gwen getting to know each other

Gwen and Lance
getting aquainted

The boys with the pups
Aaron with Gwen and Ben with Lance

Gordon with Nokie
Gordon with Nokie
Nokie was a very sweet mellow puppy
and it has given us a lot of pleasure
raising him.He now lives with his new
companions, Ben, Valerie and Daniel in
Washington,He is now called "Panda"
and one of his jobs is to bring in
the ducks, at times he stands in the fishpond
with just his head above water, just like a duck.

This is Skittles in the grass
Skittles has lost the sheep in the grass

Gwen and Mousie

Gwen & Mousey

They do say that
the Border Collie
is a mean
and nasty animal??

Lance at the Windward Show

A very proud moment for us
when Lance went
Best Of Breed
at two Windward Shows
14 & 15 April 2001
Mr Robert Stein

Gwen also did well
she went Best Oposite sex
at Windward
15th April 2001
Mr James E.Frederikson

Gwen gained her Champions Title 17th February 2002

Lance did us proud
on Saturday 18th August
when he gained his
Champions Title
