
Rabbits is often communicating with their human owner, it is definately our job to make sure that we understand their vocabulary. Below are some of the languages that they use to talk to us.


1. The Peaceful Stretch.
    Bunny flatteneds out on his belly with hind legs extended straight out, a sure     sight that your bunny is peaceful and totally relaxed in the surroundings. It also means "Do not distrub!"

2. The Sideway Flop.

     Bunny flop over the side or back does not mean that he is over at the otherside of the Rainbow Bridge, it just mean that he is contenteded  in dreamland. It also means " I'm in the land of treats!"

3. The Flat Face.
Chin lay flat on the floor, all feet tucked under, this is a submission position, usually happens when bunny are pet by their favorite human or by another animal, again another sure sign that your bunny is happy. It also means "Take me, I'm yours!!!"

4. The Crouch.

     Tense, unrelaxed posture, not enjoying the attention, frozen in fear, stop whatever you are doing, or keep your dog away from the rabbit sight or sense. It also means "Get that horrible beast away from my house!"

5.  The Srudder.
      Comical whole body expression, usually happened when you have just wash yourself with a strong smelling soap, bunny is trying to shake off the smell, can also happen when bunny is given medicine, he may be trying to shake off the bad taste. It also means " Peow! Bad taste!"

6. The Chining.
Bunny rubbing the chin against objects, usually happen when bunny has been to a part of the house he hasn't been to, bunny is claiming property of his own. It also means " I will eat you one day"

Word of Mouth

1. Purring.
Is a series of fast but light vibrations of the teeth and happily quivering whiskers, usually activated by gentle stroking behind the ears, another sure sign of contentment. It also means " Love me, touch me, kiss me, baby!!!"

2. Crunching.
    A sign of discomfort, usually admitted by a sick bunny, is a louder and slower grind of the teeth, at time with protruding eyes. It also means " Help! I'm in pain!"

3. Whimper.
Fretting little noise made usually by a pregnant bunny, usually happens when you pull a reluctent bunny from the cage. It also means " No! I don't want to play! "

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