Write a caption for one or all of the Petz Pix below and E-Mail it to me.  Just click the button below to enter your E-Mail!!  The winner(s) will receive an award for their web site (or to just print and keep if you like) and a puppy or kitten (you choose which).  Make the captions CUTE!!  Any bad language will be immediately deleted and will NOT  be eligible for the prize.  Thank-you and have fun!!  
Picture A:
Picture B:
Picture C:
Picture D:
Picture E:
Picture F:
Picture G:
E-Mail me with your caption and please include the following:
Picture Letter:
My Caption:  
My ID Name (You don't need your real name):
My E-Mail (I will NOT include this on the winners page):
If I win I would like a (type in kitten or puppy):
Just copy and paste the above lines into your E-Mail.
You can write a caption for more than one picture.  All I ask is that you send them ONE per E-Mail.  
Thanks!!  Have fun!!
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