Welcome to my Guestbook!

e - 12/12/00 05:20:11


Gucci & Bertie - 08/22/00 19:27:22
My Email:bill_timson@go.com

Hello Elvis from both of us over here in the UK. Just love your site which we found tonight whilst sitting on Daddies knee as he browsed the net.We are both fawn brothers although Gucci is the oldest at 8yrs and thinks he's the boss as I am only 6yrs. We oth send our love to you and all your puglie friends in the US. Best of walkies,bark soon. Gucci & Bertie.

susan - 04/09/00 23:34:09
My Email:mcsusie@cfu-cybernet.net

your pug is cute!

Toby A.Reese - 03/06/00 01:15:35
My URL:http://www
My Email:Tobyannreese@aol.com

I have a wonderful 7 year old female fawn pug named Fergie. She is the most wonderul little dog, and she is my constant companion. Everyone loves her, especially my grandson. Fergie was one of the first wordshe learned to say. Your pug is so cute!

ELVIS SHANDER - 01/30/00 16:52:09


Samantha Sewell - 01/29/00 23:07:03
My Email:havannah@hotmail.com

I just recently became a proud owner of a pug. He was born Nov 15, 1999 and I named him Milo. He must be a Victorian Pug because his nose is alittle longer than normal. I really love him and he's so cute!

Jen - 09/21/99 05:33:26
My Email:jennyv@superserveco.com.au

Hey Elvis, Just dropping in to say hello and give you a puggy kiss. I will be getting two pug puppies next weekend and they will come and visit you. Until then have a fun day

Rhoda the Pug - 06/13/99 20:04:32
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DeeDeeD
My Email:rhoda@dog.com

Hey there, Elvis -- you're sure a fawn cutiepie! Named for my fave performer of all time, too. Were you named for the cool young Elvis, or the jumpsuit-wearing, hunka hunka burnin' love of later years? Love, Rhoda

Becki and The Boys - 03/23/99 20:17:39
My URL:http://www.cyberhighway.net/~blu
My Email:luckydog@lycosmail.com

Wilbur just wants to say "Great Birthday!" His birthday is December 31st and he knows that Capricorns make the happiest pugs.

Mark Strawn - 02/27/99 05:49:30
My URL:http://home1.gte.net/mstrawn1
My Email:mstrawn1@gte.net

Elvis is so cute! So are all other pugs! The reason pug owners get along with each other so well is that they never argue over whose pug is the cutest. That is because pugs are so cute that their cutness cannot be measured on any scale known to man!

marge bradley - 02/24/99 15:45:18
My Email:mbradley@ocln.org

Elvis, You are georgous. This new picture does you justice. I can see all the colors and wrinkles in your face. How is life treating you? Was this picture taken with a digital camera? Please keep in touch. Your family friend, Marge B.

cheryl - 02/23/99 21:31:10
My Email:cc6184@kcpl.com

Your pug is adorable! Is he a rescue? It sounds like you got him when he was 1 year old. My pug has been hogging the bed for 4.5 years. She was a rescued from a very serious situation of abuse and neglect when she was one year old and later placed wit me. Tell me, does your pug howl? Mine howls and its the funniest thing I've ever seen. When I'm making her 'din-din' she'll howl over and over again until I laugh so hard I can hardly prepare her food! Thanks for sharing the picture of your adorable ug. He's adorable : )

Lucy - 02/21/99 02:49:18
My Email:LuciaKen@aol.com

Your Pug is adorable, I have a 4 yr old male, Pugsley. He is my first Pug and my little love-bug. I also have 3 "human" sons, but my little "canine" son is the most affectionate and is always ready to cuddle with Mommy. Somday soon we would like to get him a little Pug sister as Mommy is tired of being the only girl in the house. I am told that getting a younger Pug will also keep the older Pug happier and healthier. Enjoyed your page.

- 02/15/99 00:49:25


nancy - 02/15/99 00:48:09
My Email:antuiezz@aol.com

Your a Cutie Pie!

Marge Bradley - 02/13/99 21:12:39
My Email:mbradley@ocln.org

Microsoft word must be teasing us. Your visage is partially hidden. I'm anxious to see you at your best! I'll be watching for the new you. Marge B.

Becca Cohn - 02/13/99 07:24:57
My Email:clcohn@ulti.net

Hi Elvis! My birthday is December 30th as well. I got a lot of great gifts on my birthday and I hope you did too. I have three puggy babies. The oldest is Belvedere, he will be nine in June. William is the next pug, he is turning five on the 21st of this m nth. They are both fawns. The baby is named Austin and he is a black pug. He will be a year old in May. I enjoyed meeting you. Yours Truly, Becca

Romeo - 02/11/99 18:36:06
My Email:betsy_tacy@hotmail.com

Hi, my name is Romeo, but my mom calls me Romey. I will be one year old in May. My mom says I'm the most beautiful pug ever, and the smartest, even though I only do what she says when I want to which isn't that often, but I am very busy. I go to day care at my Grandma Meemaw's house every day. I have to sit on her lap and sleep when I first get there, then I eat and run and play and sleep and then my mommy comes home from work! I don't have my own e-mail address yet, even though I'm pretty sure I could work the computer 'cause I sit on my mommy's lap the whole time she pounds on the keyboard and it doesn't look that hard at all. Good-bye for now! Romey

- 02/10/99 04:03:09


Amanda - 02/08/99 15:44:28
My Email:peachykeene17@yahoo.com

You look just like my own pug. Her registered name is sweet brown sugar, but for some reason we call her Mutt-mutt. And lets just say that she is the boss of our house.

Amy - 02/08/99 02:33:26

Just stopping by...Elvis is cute

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