A Golden Retriever Rescue
Great news. Huck has
been apopted by a wonderful couple from
Venice Florida. Meet Hucks new owners by going to Hucks update
page. You can get there by clicking here.
This is Huckleberry!
We call him Huck.We recieved a call
from Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida
on Thursday 6/4/99 asking if we could foster a dog whose owners
wanted to give him
up, as they were moving out of state the next day.Having never
rescued a dog before
we had no idea what to expect.So with some reservations(we already
had our own
three dogs) off we went to get him.
Huck had some cuts,a dull
coat,a funny looking eye,needed his annual shots,had
not been on heartworm preventative and stank to high heaven!First
thing was to
get him out back for a bath to try to get rid of some of the fleas
and smell.
Next was to get a vet appointment the next day.Huck then got to
meet his
new brothers and sister.They were all wary of this stranger at
first but to our
amazement,soon settled right in.The next day Huck got all his
shots but he had
an ear infection,hook worms and the condition with his eye is
called entropian which
we will be getting surgery to have corrected.His cuts were minor
and thank
goodness his heartworm test came back negative.
Huck is about a year and a half old.He weighed 68 pounds
on his first trip to the vet but I think he will have added a
pounds by the time you are reading this.He gets along well
with our three dogs and our cat!He is very loving and loves
attention but is not overly hyper.As a matter of fact he is more
laid back than any of our other dogs.Believe it or not ,Huck was
crate trained in less than a week.He has no problem entering his
crate for bed or travel.(He does get to sleep by my side of the
bed).We have started obedience training(two of our dogs have
CDs and are working on Open) and Huck is doing really great.
A typical Golden, he loves to please you!Huck needs someone to
play with him every day.Tennis balls,frisbees,you name it he will
retrieve it and bring it back for more.He likes to go on walks,well
actually he likes to go anywhere you go.This dog has got
to be an
inside pet.He had enough of living outside at his last home.Besides
we have spoiled him rotten.He's not to bad though,at least he
share the couch with you.For those of you who do not like your
pets on the furniture,we are teaching him the command "off".I've
actually heard there are pet owners like that ,but I have'nt seen
This handsome guy is going to make a wonderful pet for someone!
We would like to thank some
very special people.First is Betty Wyatt who is the
adoption coordinator for Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida.She
has been
so patient taking my numerous phone calls and answering my never
ending questions.
Next is Bill (a Golden Retriever),who gave a very generous gift
to GRRMF to
sponser Huck and pay for his surgeries.Bill owns Joe and Wendy
Schulte of Venice.
If you are interested in adopting Huck or any other Golden please
click on the logo
below and visit Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid-Florida.Huck says
thank you!
update 6/29/99
I left the house at 5 a.m. Friday morning with Huck
in tow to go to Tuscawilla Oaks
Animal Hospital so Huck could have his surgeries done. We made
it there just fine.
Dr Rubinstein came out and introduced himself and met Huck. It
must have been
our lucky day because it just so happened that Dr Rubinstein was
going to Sarasota
the next day to register his son at Ringling School of Art. He
offered to bring Huck
back to us,saving me a five hour drive! We picked up Huck on Saturday
at the
school and he looked great. He now has two eyes wide open.
We will take Huck
to our vet on 7/5/99 and have his stitches removed. He will then
be ready for
adoption. What a deal,he comes completely healthy ,with a collar
and leash,a
bag full of toys (donated by Bill),microchiped and with a money
back guarantee
(we would take him back anytime). Many thanks to Doctors Rubinstein
Ehlers and the staff at Tuscawilla Oaks Animal Hospital.
Huck with his sponser Bill , and Joe and Wendy Schulte.
Huck says "Bill is COOL" and I love his "pond".
Click here
to get the latest updates and more pictures of Huck.