Patton has been adopted. Please click here to read this wonderful story.

"If I do my full duty, the rest will take care of itself."
- General George S. Patton, Jr.

No,this page is not about the General but about Patton,
the Golden Retriever! Patton is 10 months old and is
being fostered here in Sarasota. We picked him up from
Betty Wyatt the adoption cooridinator for GRRMF on
10/2/99. Patton is a big boy and all puppy. He is getting
along great with our 3 dogs and CAT. He is something
of a wild child but we will be starting obedience lessons
right away. Patton was turned in by his former owners
due to an illness in the family. He has been neutered and
is heartworm free.



This is Patton the Golden. He is very sweet and loves to play.
He is crate trained and walks on a leash with NO pulling! We
put him to bed last night (his first night) and he went right in
the crate and went to sleep. Try that with an 8 week old pup!

Here is Patton (coming out of the Ixoras) with his new buddy Sam.

Here is the big guy again. At 10 months he has got some coat. He
is sure to be a pretty boy. As we are able to evaluate him more we
will put more info about him on this site. If you are interested in
adopting Patton please call Golden Retriever Rescue of Mid-
Florida hotline at 407-332-2840 and leave a message. Or you can
visit their website at You can write Patton at

Week One
O.K. We've had the big guy for a week now and here is the scoop. Patton
is very sweet and what Betty calls a "velcro dog". He sticks to you. If you
move, so does he. He really is a big baby. I don't think there is an agressive
bone in his body. He is very active and loves to PLAY. If you want a real laid
back dog Patton is not for you. He is a puppy. He is very bright and is already
doing sit and down stays and knows the command off. I wish my dogs walked
as nice as he does on a leash! He would make a good pet for an active couple
or someone with older children. A fenced in yard would be really nice as this
guy loves to run. I'll post updates on his training often. Hey,I like to brag on
our foster kids!

Week Two
We go to diffrent dog classes three times a week and have been taking
Patton with us to socialize him. Everyone loves him. He's your typical
friendly Golden. His manners are also pretty good for a pup. We also
walk him every night and the neighbor children adore him. He just loves
everyone he meets. Pattons obedience training is going good and along
with the sit and down stays he now does a recall with a front. He loves
to sit on the couch with us when he can beat the other three dogs and
cat to it! We are taking Patton to a match with us this Sunday so I'm
sure he will have a blast with all those dogs and smells!

Some links to the "other Patton"
George S. Patton Historical Society

Patton,more than a tank general

This page created on 10/2/99

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