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My Gardens

In Sept. 1991, we bought this house.  I knew the foundation planting in the front HAD to go and took the whole winter to work up a game plan, which included enlarging the existing bed from 3 ft. wide to 7 ft. wide and creating an island in the middle of the lawn.  By March, I was ready for demolition.

As you can see, I also changed the color of the shutters.  This picture is from Sept. 1993. I had spent the whole spring and summer of 1992 removing sod and amending the soil.  This was the worst soil I had ever worked with, solid clay...PlayDooh comes to mind.  I went to all the garden centers and hardware stores every week and bought up all the damaged bags of topsoil, compost and peat.  Anything they had that would help.

This is Spring 1995.  I still had things I wanted to do but I think you can see the improvement in the garden.  I installed soaker hoses the entire lenght of the bed and covered them with mulch.  This makes watering a garden this large easier and less wasteful.



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