Updated Nov. 27,1999

Give a Basset a home. Support GABR. 

Welcome to R2Hounds


Photos Submitted By Robyn Hansen from Vancouver Washington


This is CC

This is tuffy relaxing from a hard day!

This is Itsy.

 Photo submitted by Grandville Claunch      From, California

This is MAMAHAWK From Rosie's Web Ring

They call me! Dollar

Photo submitted by Linda Schmidt from Illinois


Photo submited by Dena Pierrets. From Arizona.      They have a great page, you got to see. Just click on pic.


This is Pandora. A beloved friend of Jeff E. Carman of Des Moines, IA. She was a rerscue dog. He has had for 11.5 years now

This is Freddie

Here is Freddie

He is a mixed Bouvier des Flandres    His owners are

   Cynthia and Gary Clostre
        Montreal, Quebec, CANADA

Hunnie Interest
Web Rings Foster