Updated Nov. 27,1999

Give a Basset a home. Support GABR. 

Welcome to R2Hounds

This is Lady Penelope Hunnie Hound.

A pretty picture of our Hunnie      When we got Hunnie she was four months old, a little darling. She is a AKC. registered, Tri-Colored Basset Hound. But when she was at nine months old she was diagnosed with inflammatory lower bowel disease, which to exploratory surgery to be sure. It was caused by her being allergic to wheat and whey.  One month later she tore out a toe nail in her front paw. No surgery was needed, and it grew back. So need least to say, the first year of her life was not so happy. But as you can see, she is doing great. Hunnie is obedience trained, and has been certified for T.D.I. Therapy Dog International. As well as C.G.C certified, Canine Good Citizen. She is our Pride an Joy!

This Hunnie at her first pet show As you can see she was just thrilled to be there.

A hard day

This is Hunnie sleeping in her chair after a day at the Lovable Pet Show. She was entered but, she did not win. Every one who entered got a certificate of participation, so another one for the wall. Still had a great day, lots of people petted and pulled on her ears, she loved every minute of it.

Long walk

Just Hunnie sleeping in or out of the tent, after a long hike in the park. She is not the out door dog. She would rather be in a nice cool house with the air on.

What a rough life this is

But as you can see she made the best of the out doors. She really like sitting by the fire at night. She has even taken moms seat

But mom got it back. But at a price, she had to hold Her.

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