We have an adorable one-month-old pac-man frog that we have just fallen in love with. So much so that (as you know) I have devoted an entire web site to the little guy. This is our first real terrestrial frog, having raised one of those mail order African water frogs, and we wanted to do things right so we spent some time researching on the web and found there was a severe lack of strictly horned frog sites. Don't get me wrong, there are a million care sheets some of which I have quoted verbatim in that section, but there wasn't many of those cutesy photo's you see everywhere when looking for poison dart or white's tree frogs. As you probably have already noticed, this site is mainly a compilation of some of the greatest images and information pertaining to those rugged little amphibians and I hope it helps the next poor soul that comes along. Meanwhile we have yet (as of May 10, 1999) to name this new addition to our family though we have come up with some thoughts on the matter and we would like any who stop by here to give us you opinion.
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