Andy’s Home Page

My name is Kelly, and this homepage is the story of my cat, Andy.

Andy's pretty face

One day, I went out into the alley in back of my apartment
to take out the trash when I heard meowing. There stood
the cutest little white kitten, who immediately ran up to me
and continued yowling.


Andy looking cute. He does that all the time. I had to walk to the store and the kitten followed me, weaving in and out of my feet. I picked him up and carried him the rest of the way, and returned home with him. I had no intention of keeping him. I just needed to get out of his view, so he wouldn’t follow me any more and get hurt. I know it sounds cruel, but I just did not want a cat. I couldn’t even keep him out of the apartment building, so the manager put him out the back door into the alley again.


The next morning I decided to put some cat food out back in the alley. It was raining. When I opened the back door and started down the fire escape. I heard a meowing, looked down, and there was the kitten. He had managed to crawl up the treacherous steps, apparently remembering that someone on the third story had been nice to him. I fed him and brought him inside and he’s been my cat ever since. He has a very playful personality and is fun to have around. Andy's first day with Kelly. He played peek-a-boo behind the umbrella.


Here are more pictures of Andy.
Click on any image to see a larger version

Andy after he ate it all. His favorite is chicken... canned, of course. Andy playing with the camera strap Andy meowing - He did that a lot at first
Andy is totally zonked after a big meal. Kelly and Andy on their first day together. Too Cute
Andy has a view of tree tops and roofs Such a sweet ball of fluff Andy can climb anywhere
Andy with his first toy, a catnip mouse with a bell. Kelly and Andy after a couple weeks Time for another nap


But Andy didn't stay a kitten. Click here for more pictures.

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