
      There is nothing lovelier, in the springtime, to me than Iris.  She is always so lovely, so graceful, so fragrant.  Her delicate petals arch gracefully, as she holds her head in stately beauty as queen of the garden.  Every winter, I gaze longingly out the kitchen window at her frost bitten leaves, aching for spring to arrive!  When spring comes, I eagerly anticipate her regal arrival.

      Once Queen Iris does arrive, I'm in heaven, flitting from flower to flower, like a famished honey bee, after a long, dreary winter!  Her royal arches grace my dinner table, and, often, I'm caught with armfuls of Her Majesty's blossoms to give to someone dear who does not fail to appreciate her beauty, as well.

      When Irises' stately beauty does fade, with the coming of June, I'm still in heaven as I transplant her rhizomes all over my yards!  Great joy have I in grouping together "red", white, and blue irises, with the blue fading in shades from sapphire to an icy blue.  I lustfully transplant the old-fashioned, bicolor pink/mauve next to bicolor lavender/purple.  The joy is entirely mine, when deep purple Iris is lovingly planted next to "Brindled Beauty."  Speaking of royal beauty, Brindled Beauty is certainly the queen of my flower garden at $20.00 per rhizome!

      Yes, Iris is quite a lady, and by far my favorite flower. : )

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