Shutters are a good form of hurricane protection but there are things to consider. As with impact windows, all shutters must pass the same test for impact and cyclic wind loading. Be sure that documentation of testing is made available. There are three basic forms of shutters: panels, accordion and roll downs. Each version has pros and cons. Panel shutters are the least expensive, but require a place to store the panels. Installation when the need arises is both difficult and time consuming. Accordion style shutters operate much like sliding glass doors and only require closing when needed, but usually end up being more expensive than impact windows. They also tend to detract from the esthetics of the building. Finally, there are the roll down shutters. These are usually electrically powered and are the most convenient but also extremely expensive. The downside to all shutter systems is that they require installing, closing, or activating to provide protection. This assumes someone is home or available to do this when the need arises. Remember that when they are in place all light and view to the outside is blocked. If security is an issue when you are home, having shutters in place is not a good option because of this. If you plan on being away for an extended period, having your shutters closed also tells a determined burglar that he has plenty of time to find a way in. When all this is taken into consideration impact windows and doors become a more attractive option.