"I Will Always Love You!"


Hey! I Won These Awards!

Some Of Our Beloved Pets, Past And Present

We Always Considered Them Our Children

Please Go All The Way To The Bottom Of The Page To Read A Beautiful Writing By Soror Molly Rene Davis Called, "What Does The Great Spirit Say To You?".

Most Of Our Pets Were Given To Us; By God; That Is Why They Have The Same Birth Day And Month As Mine; We Do Not Know When They Were Born!

12/27/75.....SchuSchu Lee.....8/15/92

12/27/84.....Inkybod Lee.....7/28/87

(Inkybod Died Of Leukemia)

12/27/86.....SnowWhite Lee.....3/31/98

12/27/95....."Ashes Lee".....Ashes Died August 4, 2007

"Ashes" Was Two (2) Years old when We Brought Her Home From The Animal Shelter May 1998. We Had To Do Something, After SnowWhite Died, Our Whole House was Dead; "Ashes" Brought It Back To Life! Thank You God For Our Beloved "Ashes Lee"!

SchuSchu Lee And SnowWhite Lee

"Did You Leave That Milk There For Me Daddy?"

This Is OUR Dog "BROWNIE"!!

This Is "BROWNIE", She Belongs To Amy And Trevor ("Billy") Next Door; But; SHE, Thinks She Belongs To ME!! I Feed Her, I Have A Nice House For Her, Made From A Pickup Truck Topper, I Groom Her, I Have A Trash Can Full Of Hair I Have Combed Out Of Her This Summer!! When It Is Hot, She Gets Under One Of Our Buildings, When She Comes Out, She Feels Like She Has Been In Air Conditioning!! The Picnic Table Of Course Belongs To Her; It Also Has A Very Large Umbrella In The Center Of It!! I Will Look Out There At Night And There She Is, Lying On Top Of The Picnic Table!! I Always Know Ahead Of Time When It Is Going To Storm And To Turn My Computer Off; Because "Brownie" Comes And Scratches On The Door!! She Will Then Go To The Carport, Or Front Porch And Get As Close To The Door As Possible; We Will Leave The Door Open So We Can Talk To Her And Calm Her Down!! ..... I LOVE HER DEARLY!!

JULY 2001
Amy and Trevor ("Billy") from next door moved to Alabama a short time ago, July 2001. Amy called me before she left and told me they could not take "Brownie" and would I take care of her, I said Absolutely, Yes! "Brownie" has not been around since they left; now I know why! Amy decided to take "Brownie" with them and called today to tell me it "Was NOT Working"! She asked if I would still take care of "Brownie" and I said Absolutely, Yes! Amy's Mom delivered "Brownie" sometime that afternoon (7/23/2001) and "Brownie" was definitely glad to be "Home". I can imagine how "Mr. Hound" has been missing her; they are "Dog Soul Mates"! "Welcome Home Brownie"!

"Brownie" and "Mr. Hound" were "gone" when we returned from vacation late April 2002. I hired a man to cut grass, paint, etc., and he was to see that "Brownie" and "Mr. Hound" always had food and water. I also contacted a neighbor; where they spend most of their time lately and told him we were going on vacation and asked that he take care of "Brownie" and "Mr. Hound". Maybe it was just time for them to move on. I hope us going on vacation did not cost them their freedom, or maybe their lives. I look for them everywhere I go. God knows I Love them, so I have to believe they would be protected from any harm.

This Is OUR Dog "Mr. Hound"!!

This Is "Mr. Hound", He Thinks he Belongs To ME Also!! When Mr. Hound first started coming around, he had three (3) legs, evidently he was hit by a car after that and broke one (1) of his front legs. The lady next door (Amy) called my Mother-By-Law Marie and asked her to have me come over and shoot him. Marie told her, "You are definitely asking the wrong person to shoot a dog!" I called the Vet at some point and after my explation of his condition, he said he would be dead in several days! I was feeding him every day but still could not get near him, he would "run" off! After several weeks, maybe closer to a month, I finally got a collar on him and took him to the Vet. The Vet said the only thing he could do would be to amputate the leg, I thought it would help "balance" him if we left it on! He was a three (3) legged dog, and then a two (2) legged dog, I came home the other day and he had a big cut in one of the pads of his front paw, he is almost a one (1) legged dog now! I am doctoring it and it will hopefully heal! He does NOT like the Peroxide, he does not mind the Neosporin, but he definitely does NOT like that "New Skin"! No wonder, it smells like fingernail polish, I can hardly get close to him with it, maybe I will get the spray type! A neighbor just stopped by and you should have seen Mr. Hound "RUN" through the front yard to protect "his" property!..... I LOVE HIM DEARLY Also!!

(Same Note As Above)

"Brownie" and "Mr. Hound" were "gone" when we returned from vacation late April 2002. I hired a man to cut grass, paint, etc., and he was to see that "Brownie" and "Mr. Hound" always had food and water. I also contacted a neighbor; where they spend most of their time lately and told him we were going on vacation and asked that he take care of "Brownie" and "Mr. Hound". Maybe it was just time for them to move on. I hope us going on vacation did not cost them their freedom, or maybe their lives. I look for them everywhere I go. God knows I Love them, so I have to believe they would be protected from any harm.

This is another neighbor dog that has started coming around, I call him "Mr. Pekingese"!! He even has an eye missing like our Beloved "CHOY". We Just Found Out That "Mr. Pekingese" Was Killed On The Highway 10/31/2000! He Should Have Been An Inside Dog!

"Mr. Pekingese"

"Mr. Pekingese" Would Always Come Running When We Came Home From Work. I Hope He Knew What A Pleasure It Was For Us To See And Touch Him! We Will Not See Him Again! Why Do People Let Their Pets Run Loose, Especially Near A Highway!??

Two cats; a very young calico mother, and a very, very young kitten, solid black, have been coming around for a while now. I have seen the father, also solid black, several times only. The mother and kitten are pretty much staying around all the time now.

We also have three (3) raccoons that have been coming around for years. The strangest thing I have seen in some time, occurred last night. The raccoons were eating and the cat and kitten were lying just inches away! I suppose it is possible the cats and the raccoons were living together in the woods. I thought maybe one of the raccoons nursed the cat when it was dropped and when the cat got pregnant, they adopted the kitten as well. They learned to tolerate each other at some point! It is a strange, and nice, thing to see!

Links To Some Of Our Other Sites; Check Them Out!!

Clint's 2nd And 3rd Cousins

My Beloved Rosicrucian Order, A.M.O.R.C.

Clint's Family , Some Working , Some Playing .

Ski Paoli Peaks Also Hidden Valley & Snow Creek

Clint In Las Vegas. Doing A Little Fantasizing!

The CAROUSEL: Skiing Trip April 1999; Enjoying The House We Rented

SAYINGS, Philosophical, Mystical And Common Sense

The Whirling CUBE (Timberline/Canaan Valley, WV Ski Trip April 1999)

Clint And His Brothers In The Armed Forces

Our Mom And Dad When They Were A Little Younger

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