The Slava Men's Chorus

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The Slava Mens Chorus, under the direction of Mr. Don Springer, was founded in 1993 as a special choir for the Epiphany of Our Lord Byzantine Catholic Church in Annadale, Virginia. Performing classical Carpatho-Rusyn (Ruthenian), Slovak, Russian, Ukranian, and other Eastern European hymns, the group has delighted crowds ranging from the church it serves to a 1997 Christmas Eve audience at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C.

Welcome to the Slava Mens Chorus homepage!

Click here to listen to sample musical selections.

Slava Mens Chorus Pictures:

The 1998 Eparchial Pilgrimage at the National Shrine

The 1998 Epiphany of Our Lord Picnic Performance


Last Updated 05-September-2001

Saturday, Sep 8 11:00 am Epiphany Practice and Picnic Setup
Sunday, Sep 9 1:30 pm Epiphany of Our Lord, Annandale VA Concert at Picnic
Saturday, Sep 15 11:00 am? Epiphany Hancher Wedding
Saturday, Sep 22 11:00 am? Epiphany Wedding

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