North Carolina Zoological Park Plant Collection Identification Series

Acer rubrum

Red Maple

Mammal Browse: No
Invasive: No
Toxicity: Yes, to animal collection
Hardiness: USDA Zones 3-9
Uses: Specimen

Flower: Small red flowers in dense clusters in late winter to early spring

Description: Medium texture; pyrimidal when young, ascending branches with an irregular, rounded crown; height 40-60 feet; width 25-45 feet;

Growth Rate: Moderate to rapid

Cultivation: Naturally occurs in low, wet areas; easy to transplant

Problems: none noted

Native To: Eastern United States and Canada

Location(s) In Park: Throughout

Date Entered: 12/01/2004

Photo Source:
Web Clip Art
Information Source: NCSU Horticulture Fact Sheets