<BGSOUND SRC="/conniecaseyd/72titantic.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
On this page you will be able to go to my other pages that I have.Take your time to browse around and please come back again soon.Thanks and God Bless you all!!!!!! Alot has happened in my life since I have been on my page......it's been yrs. and alot of heartache....will try to update as soon as i can.......
Introduction Page!!!!
ConCon's Award Page!!!!
ConCon's Ocean View !!!!
ConCon's Friends and addy's page!!!!!!!
ConCon's Family Page!!!!!
ConCon's Page of Thanks to her Grandmother and Mother!!!!!!
ConCon's page about her Grandfather!!!!
ConCon's Pics of her Boxer Mitzi !!!!!!!
ConCon's Pics of her Family1!!!!!!!!
ConCon's Pics of Family and Friends2!!!!!!
Well I guess you've had enough of me huh?.... hahahaha.....as you can see I'm truly a blessed woman.I have so much to be thankful for and believe me when I say this&quot;I Am so Grateful to God&quot;.I love him with all my heart.He's truly been my best friend.If you don't know him....PLEASE....don't wait till it's to late.He loves you and will always be there for you no matter what comes your way.Turn to him for he waits with open arms and he'll be there for you.I hope you enjoyed all these pages as much as I did making them.On these pages is alot of precious people to me.I love them all dearly.Please come back again.God Bless You is my prayer!!!!!
This was made for me by my friend from LilTree Frog Designs...Thank you so much....I love it!!!!Click on the pic and it will take you to her page......