Do What You Love Workshops™





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Learn The Art & The Business of Faux
Do What You Love™ Workshops
School of Faux Finishing & Decorative Arts

Do What You Love Workshops offers a full range of instruction for professional decorative artists and talented amateurs. Modeled after the great art academies of Europe, the school emphasizes traditional instruction in the decorative arts—including faux finishing, faux marbre, traditional stucco and plaster, muraling, trompe l'oeil, stenciling, and floorcloths. The faculty is drawn from the ranks of the United States most accomplished decorative artists lead by Rebecca E. Parsons.

We offer several workshops a year in the Atlanta, GA area with two workshops in California in September, 2001. The private, one-on-one workshops personalized to your goals are very popular. All workshops are limited in size (6 artists) so each student receives individual coaching. It is the goal of the studio to perpetuate the “art” of decorative painting. Rebecca says “I want to pass on the skills and knowledge I have learned so this artform will survive and flourish in years to come. Whether you want to redecorate your home or yearn to become a professional, you will fully understand how to do each element when you leave my studio”.


At the heart of the school program is the studio experience where students have detailed, hands-on instruction. Week-long workshops meet five days a week and include in-depth business sessions based on Rebecca’s extremely popular faux business book. It is only by spending as much time as possible in the studio that students develop the necessary skills which, combined with individual creativity, lead to genuine artistic expression. The studio experience is augmented by open exchange and informal instruction.


Whether you desire to build your portfolio with spectacular sample boards, master new painting techniques, or redecorate your home, these workshops are for you! All techniques are completed with water-based media. No previous experience is required. During these hands–on classes, students will learn surface preparation prior to decorative painting, the fundamental skills and techniques every decorative painter must know, color theory, and business/pricing strategies. By attending these workshops you will learn to perform broken color wall glazing… to duplicate the richly textured and aged appearance of European architectural surfaces… to create textured plaster finishes… to render spectacular marble… to enhance surfaces with stenciling and drapery… and much more.


This ongoing series of Advanced Master Classes revives and continues the longstanding tradition of artisans who have become extremely proficient in certain areas of our craft. Upon completion, students will be able to offer these high–end, highly sought after services to their clients. The purpose of these workshops is to introduce varying techniques and philosophies in order to intensify experience working with a particular technique. Techniques studied this year include: Stenciling, Euro Plaster, Fresco, Stones/Blocks/Rocks, and Faux Marbre.
Students have an opportunity to intensely study these techniques while advancing their skill level. Requirements for admission vary with each instructor; some classes require intermediate training, while others are open to beginners. Students interested in taking one of these classes are encouraged to discuss requirements with the Administration. It is strongly urged that all students try to take at least one Master Class per year to gain new skill or knowledge. Business Topics and Pricing will be discussed throughout each session.


Do What You Love Workshops has instituted an open course of Intensive Consultation or Critiques for professional faux artists. Rebecca will offer personalized guidance and direction to further your career goals. These critiques will take place on an as requested basis during the year.


Beginning this year, special workshops, museum and gallery tours led by Paint Magic and Rebecca in Great Britain. Study paint techniques and practices and visit examples of paint and decorative restoration at Windsor Castle and King George IV's Royal Pavilion. See the English countryside, magnificent cathedrals, Stonehenge, London, and South Wales.

Classroom pictures:  

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Web site designed,  and maintained by Parsons Studio of Design