Learn The Art & The Business of Faux
Do What You Love™ Workshops
School of Faux Finishing & Decorative Arts
Rebecca E. Parsons
Studio Owner & Instructor
Rebecca, a self-employed artist, author, teacher, and lecturer, is owner of faux is me studio in Atlanta, GA. Studying mainly in France and Italy, she has been a professional artist for over 30 years—specializing in European techniques. She conducts Do What You Love™ Workshops and is an instructor at the Gibbes Museum Studio, in Charleston, SC. She is a consultant to many professional decorative artists and serves the Stencil Artisans League (SALI) as Editor of The Artistic Stenciler magazine. Rebecca is a regular columnist in The Faux Finisher magazine and the author of “Do What You Love–Love What You Do, The Step–by–Step Guide to Faux Business”. She has appeared on HGTV and her work has been included in several magazines. Rebecca will be teaching at the SALI convention in San Diego in August, 2001.
Emily Gradisher
Gradisher Decorative Arts Studio was founded by Emily Alice Gradisher. In the past decade she has shifted her fine arts talents to the very popular decorative arts field. In the 70's and 80's Gradisher sold many pieces of fine art not only in the U.S. but also in other countries around the world. Growing up in Northern Ireland Gradisher was encouraged to develop her talents and continues to further her education in art and design in the U.S. One of Gradishers special talents is to listen carefully to the wants and needs of the client then create a unique environment they can be proud of. She will always go one step further to please her clients, designers and students.
Emily's Website