Hi, I'm Jean-Pierre ( a.k.a. Pete) LeClair.
I am the Western Regional Product Manager for Kellenberger AG.
I am also into crafting. We (Sally and I) run Quality Wood Products where we sell the wood products my Dad and I cut. Sally, adds finshes to some of the work and tole paints. Together we travel around Southern California doing craft shows on weekends. As a matter of fact you can see the shows we've done and where we are going next.

Oh yeah, in my spare time (?) I run JPL Communications and Publishing. At JPL we specialize in short run jobs for
home and small businesses,
and the self employed.
We do almost anything that you need in print. To get a better idea of what we do check out our
web site!

Pete of Quality Wood Products,JPL Communications and Hardinge

For resources and information on crafts and crafting check out some of the sites on our

Check out my nephew Gregory's WebRats home page at The "AgentZ - WorldWide Agents".

Hardinge, Inc

Hardinge, Inc. is a builder of precision and super-precision machine tools.
The machines have the capability of .000010 inch programmable resolution.
(count the zeros, that's 10 millionths of an inch)
We currently build
Horizontal (Slant, Gangtool, Twin Spindle) and Vertical Lathes (VTL)
Vertical Machining Center's(VMC)
CNC Grinders (ID & OD)
Ram and Wire Electrical Discharge Machines (EDM)
We are also the WORLD LEADER in Work Holding devices.
To get more information on HARDINGE and our Products and Services
please visit The Hardinge Corporate Site

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