The Webers

Last updated May 27, 2002.

What's New?
March, 2002
After months and months of neglect, finally, some new stuff:
  • Here's a link to Dale's company website, CFN.
  • I added pictures from our trip to Tahiti last March for Dale's 40th birthday.
  • Finally, here are pictures from our National Park tour last August.
Still to come: photos from our trips to Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia....

Photo Album
Browse through some of our favorite photos:
Around Home (4 photos)
National Parks August, 2001 (Lots of photos)
Tahiti March, 2001 (20 photos)
Cozumel September, 2000 (12 photos)
Hawaii November, 1999 (14 photos)
TRAM (The Ride Across Minnesota) July, 1999 (12 photos)
Great Britain June, 1999 (23 photos)
Sipidan November, 1998 (2 photos)

Want to Hire One of Us?
Check out our resumes:
Darcy Wiborg Weber
Dale Weber (Okay, so this isn't Dale's resume -- it's his company!

Questions or problems? Email Darcy or Dale.