These are 50 new pictures taken with a Sony MVC-FD73 direct to floppy disk I think you'll agree they are much better pictures than the previous ones! Some of these pics relate to recent discussions in the Haworthia discussion list.
Haworthia bayeri Photo: L.Loucka
| pic:-> H.truncata root cutting at 1yr old, ------ the root was cut square across the top
| pic:-> H.limifolia from Barberton in 8"pot...these are monsters!
| pic:->atrofusca??? I am presuming that this equates to "JDV92/97" or "JDV97/146" as pictured on page 95 of "Haworthia Revisited"
| pic:->My other clone of this plant
| pic:->magnifica dekenahii
| pic:->another
| pic:->another showing the colour that can also develop in the fat blunt "atrofusca"
| pic:->nice atrofusca
| pic:->atrofusca KV ex Sheilam
| pic:->atrofusca ex Sheilam
| pic:->atrofusca more pointed leaves
| pic:->another nice one
| pic:->received from CC as atrofusca (atypical?)
| pic:->CC plant of more typical form
| pic:->young atrofusca with rough leaf surfaces
| pic:->young atrofusca seedling
| pic:->atrofusca X badia made by Bert Coppus
| pic:->A new picture of my favourite badia,recovered,having recently passed through a "near-death" experience!!
| pic:->badia
| pic:->another
| pic:->& another
| pic:->beautiful!
| pic:->are these real???!!!
| pic:->more badia
| pic:->& another...fat & fabulous!
| pic:->dark & just subtly reptilian!
| pic:->unusual badia...remains pure green, seedling from 1992
| pic:->closeup of badia leaf showing the extraordinary colour!
| pic:->H.bayeri in a 5" pot...these can get big
| pic:->another bayeri
| pic:->bayeri field collected
| pic:->smoother leaved bayeri tending toward comptoniana
| pic:->comptoniana
| pic:->another comptoniana
| pic:->a doughnut pumila....seedling of the one pictured on "Page4"
| pic:->emelyae
| pic:->emelyae.....quite different
| pic:->emelyae multifolia
| pic:->emelyae from Sandkraal
| pic:->emelyae/magnifica intergrade also from Sandkraal
| pic:->hybrid of typical emelyae & very large retusa geraldii...so "natural" looking eh?
| pic:->koelmaniorum....proliferous form in 8" pot
| pic:->rough leaved mcmurtryi
| pic:->remarkable smooth leaved mcmurtryi
| pic:->my lockwoodii & semiviva growing in mid summer & loving it!
| pic:->root cutting of H.maughanii with results after 8 months
| pic:->pygmaea argenteo-maculosa
| pic:->another
| pic:->a view of my retusas
| pic:->nice serrata in 5" pot
| pic:->nicely coloured springbokvlakensis
| pic:->another in the same spot but not coloured
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