Interact 5010


You are welcomed by the first Interact club of a peninsula!

      What such an Interact?
      The interact is a cheerful, initiative people, not indifferent to problems of the city wishing to help requiring, ready to dialogue with сверстниками from other countries, in the age of from 14 till 18 years. Or it is easier to tell club?! Club living on the Charter of the international cooperation with the orders and the laws. This small state with the president managing body - management, committees and commissions. Such "state" here already more than three years works in our city.

      March 11, 1996 in the international organization Rotary Intrernational registered an Interact club of Yelizovo town. At date of registration in club consist about 20 men. The pupils from different schools in the age of 16-18 years. Today those who was first young rotarians, serve in the Russian army, study in hight educational institutions. On change by them others came. And on the account they have a lot of interesting businesses.

      The guys will carry out(spend) mornings in children's medical establishments, are friends of children - orphans from school - boarding school №3, inviting them on picnic, arrange small holidays, are engaged in the decision serious problems of city, for example, such, as a children narcomanic, tocsicomanic and alcoholic dependence. Exacly these boys and girls wrote the grant about these problemse for a department of internal businesses of Yelizovo town.
      Exacly these boys and girls are excited with a question of existence of children's doll theatre of our city, which works in Children's library. This theatre very much loved by children of Yelizovo.
      Just these guys participated in the international project " to warm - Kamchatka children ", when in the winter 1998-1999 y.y. Rotarians from USA and Canada have collected 15 thousand dollars and have transferred five Rotary clubs of a peninsula for children. Petropavlovsk - Kamchatskii, Yelizovo, Milkovo and Esso Rotary clubs.
      The teenagers participate in the programs Rotary club of Yelizovo. They will carry out(spend) the tax of the books and clothes for children, will carry out(spend) seterdays and sundays on an accomplishment, meet the interesting people living and coming in our city.
      This year, because of financial problems the program " the Bridge of friendship Minnesota - Yelizovo " was not held, in which the members of club wishing to study the English language participated. But the guys were not afflicted - even all ahead, because they are in constant search of interesting businesses.

NEWS              GALLERY

  Our post mail: 684010, Kamchatka, Yelizovo-4, p.o. 230, E-mail: or