July 29th. I just love my dog. She is so sweet and so much fun. She makes me happy....well except when she tries to stick her tongue in my ear.
She lived up to her name when she went into a happy tizzy when I came home from the beach.

Shhhhh, Tizzy loves me best :) My little shadow.
July 16th she was 3 pounds, 9 oz. July 23rd she was 4 pounds, 1 oz. {big dog}
Last week she learned how to go up stairs and this week she learned to come down.
She is doing very well with house training too.

Mallory came home from camp and finally got to meet Tizzy.

Look out world, here comes Tizzy! Arrived by plane from OK. on July 14th and she is so much fun.
Tizzy => "A state of nervous excitement or confusion; a dither."