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General Info
Deed Restrictions

Frequently Asked Questions

Please refer to the following table of Contents for your Freqeuntly Asked Questions (FAQs).  If you cannot find your answer, please refer to the contact list for further assistance.  

  1. Who should I contact for property maintenance problems ?
  2. Where can I obtain a copy of the West view Village Deed Restrictions ?
  3. How can I provide my feedback to the Board of Directors ?
  4. Who are the Westview Village contacts and what are their roles ?

Who should I contact for property maintenance problems?

Please contact the Property Management Company and notify them of the problem.  It is the responsibility of the Property Management Company to ensure the problem is corrected by the appropriate service provider (Lawn /Landacaping, Sprinkler,  Electric, etc.)  

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Where can I obtain a copy of the Westview Village Deed Restrictions ?

You can obtain a copy of the Westview Village Deed restrictions on this Website by click ing the following hyperlink.   

Westview Village Deed Restrictions 

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How can I provide feedback to the Board of Directors ?

You can contact the board email the board by emailing us at the following email address: Westview_hoa@yahoo.com.   If you would like to champion an initiative that is important to you, and that will improve our community, please state so and the board will assist you in championing your proposal with the community.  Community volunteers and support is always welcome and greatly appreciated.  

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Who are the contact for Westview Village and what are their roles?

The Westview Village Board of Directors, the Property Management Company, and the community service providers are identified in the hyperlink below.  Their repsective roles are shown as well to help you get into contact with the appropriate party.  You can also navigate to this page by clicking on the "contacts" icon at the top of this (and all) pages.  

Westview Village Contacts

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Copyright © 1999  [OrganizationName]. All rights reserved.
Revised: January 03, 2000 .


Send mail to Westview Village Webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: January 03, 2000