My Info About Me Page
Hi all.  I have decided to present you all with some iformation about me.  I trust you are all extremely grateful.
I am a ninteen year old man, from the centre of the universe, Toronto.  Well, thats where I was born, I am currently residing in a small hamlet in South Western Ontario.  It's a fairly nice place, well, not really, but it does have Tillsonburg just 15 minutes away from it.  Hmmmmm, I hope I haven't given my location away.  I don't want to be stalked by some of you crazed fans.  I love you guys! 

  Anyhoo, back to me.  I have completed my education, up to Grade Nine.  I am currently studying to recieve my General Equivalency Diploma.  All that really is is a big test written over two days to prove that you have the same amount of knowledge as a person who actually went to school and graduated.  I am quite confident that I have that and more.  HAHAHA, no, I know for a fact that I still have much to learn before I can pass the test.  Especially in the areas of math and essay writing.  At the moment I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, thats why I haven't finished school, basically what it does is limits the amount of stuff I can do in a day, because I have a limited amount of energy.  I believe that very shortly (within the next 7 months or so), I will be healed of it.  WOOHOO!

  One of my hopes is to go away to Canadian Bible College next year, so that I may begin to study to become a pastor.  I still have much growing to do though, in my faith, my knowledge of God and His Word, and as a person. 
Here's a picture of me as my alter ego.  For a full description go to my picture pages.
Height: 5' 9 or 10"

Weight: 120lbs

Hair Colour: Brown

Eyes: Blue sometimes Grey

Ears: Yes

Piercings: No

Astonishing Good Looks: Most of the time.

Facial Hair: Not at the moment, but hopefully soon
I have forgotten to mention that I enjoy music very very much.  Unfortunately, I can't play a single instrument.  I used to, in Grade seven and eight, play the clarinet, but I was never very good at it, and most of the time faked my way through things.  I also played the recorder, and tenor recorder in Grade six.
If you have any other questions about me that you would like answered, please feel free to email me and I shall do my best to answer your question or questions.  Email me HERE.