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Shoves Defences

This defense has nothing to do with a punch or kick, however it does deal with probably the most used attack....the shove.

Most fights begin this way, so why not learn how to stop them early, before the punching and kicking.

Ok, here is how it goes:

First, practice this move..... Left hand circles downward as a Knifehand at the same time your right hand circles upwards as a Ridgehand. Once you are comfortable doing this, change hands (right hand becomes the circular, downward Knifehand and the left hand is the circular, upwards Ridgehand). Got it? Good, now you are ready to begin.

1. If the attacker is shoving with his right hand, use your left Knifehand to strike downwards on the attacker's right wrist While At The Same Time use your right Ridgehand to strike upwards just behind the attacker's right elbow. This should cause the attacker's right arm to turn and bend behind them while their right shoulder drops.

2. Use full motion of your hands. The more motion, the more bend and turn of the attacker's right arm...don't stop "short".

3. Turn right, as the attacker begins bending over, and do not loose contact with their arm with either hand. Let your left hand/arm now "shoot" to the attacker's right shoulder (between their right forearm and upper arm), thus trapping the attacker's bent right arm. It should look like this: >>>The top of their right forearm against the top of your left forearm, your left hand on their right shoulder (from the back) with their right bent elbow pointing towards your chest. If you press down on their shoulder, it should cause the attacker to bend forward by the leverage being placed on the attacker's right shoulder joint.

4. Now, you should be facing in the same direction as the attacker, but you control their right shoulder/arm using your left hand/arm as a leverage...another words you own them. 5. You can take them to the ground, or use a left Twist kick to either their face or mid-section, etc. It's whatever you want at this point.

Knife Defences

This defense is for a straight in attack, the attacker is holding the knife with his right hand.

As the attacker "lunges" in, you:

1. Grab their wrist with your left hand, making sure your thumb is on top. Also, you want to be moving your torso back away from the tip of the blade.

2. Redirect the knife, using their momentum, to your right side. Have your right hand now join your left, just below your left but still on the attacker's right wrist. This will continue the "pulling" effect.

3. As they come by your right side, have your left elbow raise up under their right elbow as you twist their wrist, with your right hand, so their hand is facing up. Pull down on the wrist as your left elbow raises up against their right elbow.

4. Now, you should have them in a submission hold. Apply necessary pressure to either dislocate the elbow and drop the knife or you can be friendly and just apply enough pressure for them to let go of the knife.*** Your left arm ends up running along the bottom of the attacker's right arm with your left elbow at or just behind their elbow. Your right hand has a grasp of their right wrist. Make sure their wrist is turned in such a way that their knifehand is facing upwards.

5. Pull down on their wrist as you push up on their elbow.Be careful practicing this...


This attack is a right hand slashing attack where the knife is held in such a way that the tip of the blade points towards the attacker's elbow (handle in hand, blade along the forearm...military style). As the attacker slashes at you, allow the blade (their arm) to pass you by as a miss. You then:1. As they begin to bring their right arm back towards you, turn right and simultaneously use a right Knifehand Block/Grab and a left Palm Strike upwards on their right elbow while now holding their right wrist. Their elbow should bend upwards and their right arm should begin to fold behind their back.2. Continue to place their right arm high behind their back with your right hand, and let your left hand strike them into the throat as you do a right Oblique Kick to the back of their right knee.3. Continue to keep that right arm behind their back (it's the one with the knife) as you now "slam them backwards, head-first into the ground. You will have to let go of the attacker when they reach about 30 degrees to the ground. The strike to the throat and the kick must be simultaneous and with devasting power.The attacker should land on their back with their right arm behind them holding the knife. If done correctly, their right arm should break on impact or at the least become dislocated...either way the knife will no longer be a threat, so finish them anyway you want.Optional Step 3.Continue to keep their arm behind them as you apply the right Oblique Kick to the back of their right knee and the strike to their throat. But, as they fall backwards, when their body is about at a 30 degree angle to the ground..."yank" their right arm totally back as if you were trying to start a lawn mower. This will guarantee DISLOCATION of the attacker's right arm. Still let them slam into the ground however...don't want them to miss the fun.****PRACTICE THIS WITH EXTREME CAUTION!!!"Keeping it Simple"Sensei CarmenAlrighty we go. That attacker slashes at you, holding the knife/bat in their right hand, but misses and goes on by. Then they are bringing it back to take you out, you: 1. Turn right and block their right wrist with your right forearm.2. Immediately, grab their right wrist as you break their right elbow with a left Driving Elbow Strike. With continuous motion,3. Come over the top of their right arm and strike the attacker in their right jaw with a left Side Elbow Strike. must still be holding that right wrist with your right hand. Now, 4. Take that left Side Elbow Strike and turn it into either a left Knifehand Strike or a left Forearm Strike to the attacker's throat while simultaneously doing a hard Front Sweep of the attacker's right foot, be sure to use your left leg to do the sweep. Both the upper strike and the sweep must occur simultaneously and with equal force. The attacker will "fly-over" backwards and onto their back. Be sure to control their right hand as they fall. 5. Once they have landed onto the ground, they will be on their back and you will be in control of their right wrist. Finish anyway you want."Keeping it Simple"Sensei Carmen : >I hope you are enjoying yourself! A Reverse Slashing Knife is when an attacker is holding a knife in their right hand, but is coming from their left to right towards you. Or they may have slashed at you and missed, so they are bringing the blade back towards you. Both are the same and you probably get the picture anyways, so I'll get started.As the attacker slashes back towards you, you:1. Move your left foot around so you turn to your right 90 degrees and block the attacker's right arm with a right Forearm Block. Contact is made just above the attacker's right wrist.2. Now, simultaneously grab the attacker's right wrist with your right hand and apply a devasting left Driving Elbow Strike slightly above the attacker's right elbow...thus breaking it.3. Continue to hold the attacker's right wrist (they may still be holding the knife) and step just under their right arm by having your left foot come around and over to the inside of the attacker's right foot (if the attacker stepped in with their right when doing the slash). If the attacker stepped in with their left foot, then you will not necessarily have to position yourself as much for the following move.4. By just stepping around their right foot and slightly under their right arm, you have gotten yourself on their "center line" deliver a hard and crushing left Back Elbow Strike into their solar plexis or inner ribs. Continue to hold that wrist that has/had the knife! 5. Continuing to face forward, quickly have your left hand reach back and to the side so to grab behind the attacker's neck.6. Now, slightly lean forward as you throw the attacker over your left shoulder/torso. Easily done by first pulling the attacker's neck onto your left shoulder when beginning the throw. Keep holding that right wrist!7. Now, the attacker has landed on their back in front of you and you have their broken right arm, being held by the wrist with your right hand.8. This can now be finished anyway you want, they are at your mercy...but don't do anything until you take that knife out of their hand, if it's still there."Keeping it Simple"Sensei CarmenHello everybody and I hope you are having a terrific day! Our defense for today is against a Slashing Knife.The attacker is holding the knife in their right hand and their right arm/hand is arching around towards you, from your left, with the Do an L Step to your left and block the right arm/wrist of the attacker using a left Knifehand Block. Turn the block into a grab...grab the wrist firmly.2. Raise their right arm using your left hand/arm and deliver a hard right Knifehand strike to the attacker's right lower ribs.3. Now have your right hand join with your left and continue to raise the attacker's right as you step forward with your right foot. You should be partially under the attacker's right arm at this point, now making sure the attacker's palm is up...4. Pull the attacker's right arm down onto your right shoulder at the elbow, breaking it at the elbow and it will cause them to let go of the knife.5. Now, bring the attacker's arm over to your left shoulder and sweep forward the attacker's right leg using your left leg to do so.6. Turn left as the attacker is going down backwards towards the ground. Continue to hold their right wrist with your left hand and finish them with your right hand when they hit the ground or let go during the sweep as your finish instead. Letting go will simply allow the attacker to hit the ground on their own as you leave.Speed and fluid movements makes this defense a winner. Have fun!!!"Keeping it Simple"Sensei Carmen : >So, everybody likes the weapon defenses? Don't blame you one bit...ok, here's another one for you.The attacker is trying to stab you with an Overhead Knife using their right hand, so you.....1. Step in with your left foot and catch the attacker's right arm (near the wrist) with your left hand while it is still high on the overswing. Higher the better, because if you let the attacker's arm get too far over and downward...they can power through and stab you. So, catch that arm high in the air with your left hand.2. While holding that right arm with your left hand, strike the attacker, in their carotid artery, on their left side of their neck using your Right Inner Forearm while steping forward with your right foot. You will be stepping very close, but off to the attacker's right side. Keep A Hold Of That Right Arm Continuously!!3. Now, continue walking past the attacker while holding their right arm high with your left hand and your right arm firmly against the attacker's left side of the neck. The attacker will fall backwards and down to the ground, because you are moving quickly through these Steps (#1, #2, #3). Don't let go of that arm yet.4. Once the attacker has hit the ground, on their back, continue to hold their right arm with your left hand. Now, deliver a firm hard punch to the attacker's throat using your right hand. This should render the attacker useless.Now you can let go of the arm if you want to or take it with you...ha ha.***You can drop the attacker with a Hip Throw or Sweep of their right leg if you want. All you do is add a second Right Inner Forearm Strike to the attacker's neck to set in motion the Throw or Sweep.Remember...Speed and power is the key to this defense!!!"Keeping it Simple"Sensei Carmen : >Ok folks, it doesn't get any easier than this. When the attacker tries to stab you with a right hand Overhead Knife, you....1. Step in close and fast with your left foot2. Simultaneously, use an X Block with open hands and trap their right arm (near the elbow) early and high on the overswing.3. Continue to quickly step forward, keeping the X Block maintained, thus causing the attacker to fall over backwards and away from you.4. Immediately leave the area****Remember...this has to happen well before the attacker has begun coming down with the knife. If you are slow in you defense, the attacker can cut both of your wrists and/or pull away from the X Block. Practice makes perfect on this...good luck."Keeping it Simple"Sensei Carmen : o)This will be similar to an earlier defense. As the attacker tries to stab you straight-in, holding the knife in their right hand, you.......1. Step back with your right foot and use a downward double block with your hands open, trapping the attacker's right wrist. BE SURE your right wrist is on top of your left when doing this block.2. Grab the outside blade of the attacker's right hand with your right hand and keep your left hand on the attacker's right wrist.3. Rotate your hands clockwise (to your right) and place the attacker's right wrist in a Wrist Lock; their fingers of the right hand should be facing up as well as their right elbow. Do this while pulling the attacker's wrist towards you and backing away. The knife should be pointing upward and to your left.4. As you back up, pull the attacker's right arm/wrist downward and apply pressure to the wrist lock, thus forcing the attacker to their knees.5. Use either a right Front Kick to the face or a right Instep Kick to the throat of the attacker.6. If the attacker still has the knife, continue applying dramatic pressure to the wrist lock so they will let go of the knife. ****Keep your body well away from the knife***"Keeping it Simple"Take care and enjoy,Good morning to you all. This defense involves knife fighting where both you and the attacker have knives. This will be provided as "Combat Style Knife Defense":Be sure you hold your knife in your right hand where the blade does not face forward. You want the blade to be pointing up your forearm with the sharp edge facing out. This will allow you to use you right hand for punches and other strikes while holding the knife, and it hides the knife better from the attacker.The attacker comes in with a right hand lunge. You.....:1. Step right/forward while using a left Knifehand block and then grab their right wrist.2. Now, use an right upward/left elbow movement, but adjust your wrist so the blade of your knife comes away from your arm. And cut along the attacker's neck/face from your right to left.3. Allow your right arm to continue pass and above the attacker's right arm, that you are holding by the wrist with your left hand, and bring the knife quickly back towards the attacker's right side of the neck.4. Stab firmly and deeply into the attacker's right neck and..5. Using a right Side Kick, kick the attacker in the lower right ribs and away from you."Keeping it Simple"Sensei Carmen : >)1)This tactic deals with a person coming at you with a "straight-in" knife in their right hand.As the attacker begins to strike straight-in, you:1. let your RIGHT leg step back...this will distance you just out of striking range of the knife.2. at the same time, use a hard and fast RIGHT circular knifehand strike to the outside of the attacker's right wrist...then grab their right wrist quickly with your RIGHT hand.3. while holding their right wrist, deliver a hard Frontball kick to their groin with your RIGHT leg...this will "soften" your attacker for the next move.4. soon as you deliver your RIGHT Frontball kick, let your foot land between the attacker's feet while you let your LEFT hand move under and just past the attacker's right elbow and RAISE your thumb...your LEFT hand should look like a knifehand with the thumb raised.5. Pull your LEFT hand back quickly, with your thumb raised, across the attacker's right elbow joint while pushing with your Right arm/hand...this will cause the attacker's right elbow to bend. Be sure to let your LEFT hand get out of the way of the attacker's right elbow once it bends.6. Using your body weight and momentum, drive the knife into the attacker's abdominal area with your RIGHT hand.Important Note and Review:The LANDING of the kicking foot, the bending of the attacker's elbow, and the return of the knife into the attacker's abdominal area MUST occur simultaneously!! for this to work. YOU CONTROL where the knife penetrates because you were holding the attacker's right hand which is holding the knife, the entire time, just after you blocked with your RIGHT knifehand strike to their right wrist.Hopefully, I did well describing this Knife Defense Tactic to you.Have fun practicing this!!!!Sensei Carmen2)Most attackers will hold a knife so that their inner forearm faces IN when their arm is extended and their hand which is holding the knife will move right and left at the wrist. Pick-up a knife and hold it out so to see what I am saying...this will help you picture, in your mind, this technique.An attacker is holding a knife at your throat while you are standing.1. Hold your arms up at the same level that their wrist is that's holding the knife (be sure your hands are open).2. Notice what hand the attacker is using to hold the knife...right or left.3. Since the attacker's wrist will move either right or left; you can use a quick "slap-through" to knock the knife out of their hand.4. If they are using their right must do following moves SIMULTANEOUSLY and QUICKLY or you may get injured or even killed.a.) move your neck just out of range of the knife blade tip (just take a small step back) whileb.) your left hand strikes the back of their right knife-holding hand and your right hand hits just below their wristc.) be sure to use full crossing motion, even upon fast and hard! This will cause the knife to be "thrown" from the hand. d.) allow your right hand to continue around the attacker's right arm and grab their wrist while you deliver a hard and fast left Elbow Smash to the attacker's right elbow...thus breaking it. Be sure you turn your body to the right while delivering the elbow smashe.) continue to hold attacker's wrist with your right hand and bring your left hand to the back of the attacker's right shoulderf.) press down on the shoulder and hold their right arm Up and force attacker to the groundg.) Once they are down you have several options:...contain them till help comes...let go and run...use your left knee and smash their ribs while holding them down...left front 2 knuckle punch to base of the skull...anything you want to doBUT YOU MUST KEEP THAT ARM UP AND THAT SHOULDER DOWN ONCE THEY ARE ON THE GROUND!!!If the attacker is using their left hand to hold the knife...just Mirror the moves that were given to you above.Take care and have fun working this. Remember! Practice slowly until you get it absolutely correct, then slowly increase the's your life on the line.Until tomorrow,Sensei Carmen3) Overhead Knife Attack:The attacker is holding the knife in their right hand and and is attacking downward towards your head or shoulder.As the attacker's right arm comes over for their attack, you:1. Catch their right arm, near or at their wrist, with your left hand (their wrist should be caught between your thumb and index finger..."Tiger Mouth"). IMPORTANT..This catch must take place while their arm is still as vertical as possible...if not, they will be able to use their body weight and muscle to force the knife on down to you. DON'T LET GO OF THAT WRIST OR LET THAT ARM COME DOWN!!!2. SIMULTANEOUSLY!!!! you must deliver a Right Palmheel Strike just below their right eye. Continue your right hand around the right side of their head and hold the back of their neck with your right hand.***Review to this point:Simultaneously grab their right wrist with your left hand while their arm is still as vertical as possible and strike below their right eye with a right palmheel strike and continue your right hand on around and grab their neck. Never letting go of their right wrist....ok let's move on.3. Keeping their arm up continuously, pull their head downward with that right hand, that is now behind their neck, while delivering a hard and quick right knee into their mid-section. This will cause the attacker to easly bend over (and will "soften" them up quite nicely ).4. As you bring your right knee down from the mid-section "smash"; simultaneously pull the attacker's head downward and to your left lower hip while pushing their right arm up and to the right; keeping that arm above their head.This will cause the attacker to spin downward and land on their back looking up at you. have never let go of their right arm during this entire time.5. They are now on their back at the base of your feet looking up. Now that you have their right wrist/hand which is holding the knife with your left hand...let your right hand join your left and shove straight down, using your own body weight, and drive the knife into their body (abdominal area is nice)Overview: They attack, right handed and overhead, thinking they are going to stab you in the head, neck, or shoulder area.You catch their right wrist, high in the air, with your left hand and palmheel their face with your right hand at the same time.Grab the back of their neck with your right hand and pull them down while delivering a nice right knee strike to their mid-section (groin, solar plexes, etc.)Spin them on down as your right foot comes down from the knee strike and....Drive their knife back into them using you own body weight.Cool!!!!Take care and more next week. So tell your friends!!!See you later and have a wonderful weekend,Sensei Carmen4)The Reverse Slashing Knife is always going to accompany the Slashing knife in an attack...especially if the attacker misses on the slash opening of the attack. So, the importance of Reverse Slashing Defense becomes even more so.Scenario:The attacker has the knife in their right hand and has attacked with a slashing knife, you backed out on the initial slash through and they missed, now they are coming back with the knife on the reverse swing of their right arm. You......1. Quickly turn right and use a Right Driving Knifehand strike/grab to their right wrist while SIMULTANEOUSLY...2. Strike hard and fast the back of their exposed right elbow with a Left Driving Elbow Strike...breaking their elbow. Don't let go of their wrist!!!3. Once you break their elbow, place your Left Palm on the back of their right shoulder and press forward and down while pulling the their right arm back towards you. Control their wrist during this because they may not have dropped the knife.4. Sweep their right foot with your left foot (front to back). This will drive the attacker down to the ground face first; use their shoulder and arm as leverage. The Sweep assures the attacker to hit the ground face first. Keep their right arm back and upwards!5. Now that the attacker is on the ground, use a Right Wrist lock and keep their right shoulder "pinned" to the ground with either your left hand/arm or left knee. Remember to keep their right arm up and back!!!6. If the attacker still has the knife (I don't think so) use the wrist lock to force the attacker to let go of the knife...this would take place once the attacker is already down and pinned.Recap:Turn right, use a right Driving Knifehand strike/ block on their right wrist and then grab that wrist....Break their right elbow with a Left Elbow Strike while still holding their wrist... Push the attacker forward and down while sweeping their right leg/foot...still holding that wrist.Attacker hits the ground face first, pin their right shoulder to the ground and apply a right wrist lock.Try it and enjoy the rest of the day, Sensei Carmen : >)5)I will call this tactic "Reverse Slashing Knife #2" is another method that can be done. The scenario is the same as yesterday's Weapons Defense Tactic #6.Follow steps one(1) and two(2) of Tactic # 6 then:3. While holding their right wrist with your right hand, deliver a hard and fast Left Elbow Strike to the right side of their head (preferrably just below the right ear or on the temple)...4. Your Left hand the grabs either hair or the back side of the"Upper" clothing and pull the attacker, very quickly, down and back while controlling their right arm. MAKE SURE YOU GRAB HIGH AND ON THE BACK...NECK AREA. Be sure to let your body turn and go with the will be turning left and downwards.5. Take them completely to the ground with "slamming" now quickly go into a sitting position while still holding their right wrist with your Right hand. Keep that knife-holding hand off to your right...just above your right shoulder!!6. Your Right Foot under their right armpit or upper side, your Left Foot against their right side sure your knees are bent well!!7. Your Left hand now grabs their right arm along with your right hand...then8. Push out with your feet and pull back with your back and arms....this will dislocate the attacker's right shoulder and produce enormous pain in the attacker's neck too. Continue pressure till the knife is let go or till help arrives...actually as long as you like : >).Optional #8. You can deliver a hard and quick Left Foot Stomp to the side of the attacker's neck as you begin the push/pull to dislocate the shoulder...this would cause the attacker's neck to break.Have a great afternoon and evening!!!Sensei Carmen6)Today the attack is like that of Weapons Defense Tactic #8...the Straight-In Knife. This tactic will throw the attacker in the opposite direction from that of #8.As the attacker comes in towards you, holding the knife in their right hand, you.....1. Step back with your Left Foot and use a downward Crane's Wing Block (Open Handed Cross Block) on their lower right arm...on the wrist is best. Your Left wrist must be on top of the right wrist when doing this block!!!!2. Your left hand grabs the attacker's right thumb side of the hand, and with your right hand helping...3. Turn the attacker's right arm up and over while you turn left and your arms going up and left in a circular motion (counter-clockwise). This all occurs simultaneously and quickly.4. Move in CLOSE to the attacker's right side and their now up-turned right arm and continue the counter-clockwise direction...thus throwing the attacker to the ground on their back. You must move quickly and stay aware of the direction of the knife blade so you don't cut yourself!!! The speed and ferociousness of throwing their arm over and back can/will tear-out their right shoulder as the attacker is thrown off balance and backwards.5. DO NOT LET GO OF THEIR WRIST, CONTINUE TO HOLD THEIR RIGHT WRIST WITH YOUR LEFT HAND. As soon as the attacker hits the ground, provide a very hard Front Two Knuckle Strike to the attacker's face and contain if you want. Remember, this person is now on their back, you control their right arm, their right shoulder should be torn-out and dislocated by the throw, and they are the mercy of whatever you want to do...I think I'll let you be creative from here.****Important Note**** if you have trouble throwing the attacker back and over, you are probably too far away from them. Use a Right Leg Sweep of their right leg...motion will be front to back.May you have a peaceful day,Sensei Carmen7)Good Day!! to all of you,This defense is just one of many that can be used against an Overhead Knife Attack.....The attacker, holding the knife in their right hand, comes at you to stab downward on either your head, neck, or shoulder area. You.....1. Step in with your Left foot and catch their right with your left hand. This must be done simultaneously and fast. You must be moving to the attacker's right side and turning till you reach a 90 degree angle2. But in this case, you are going to allow their right arm to come on down by guiding it (clockwise) with your left hand till it just passes centerline downward (about where 7 o clock would be) . At this point, your right hand (facing upwards) takes over and continues this clockwise motion of the attacker's right arm and slides up to their right wrist.3. Apply a hard and tight grip with your right hand as the attacker's arm begins to reach about 9 o clock. IMPORTANT....Your first 3 fingers must really be pressing in on the pressure point and tendons of the attacker's right wrist!!!4. Your Left hand quickly hits the back attacker's right wrist....knocking the knife out of the hand. The grip of the attacker's right hand weakens as you squeeze the pressure point and tendons. This what allows the knife to be expelled from their grip. This technique is short and fast. However, don't under-estimate the difficulty in doing this, it will take alot of practice.You must be aware of the direction of the blade at all times, especially the Opening segment.You must be "light" on your feet and move smooth and continuously.Your hands must be working with your feet and Re-Directing the attacker's right arm motion.The clockwise motion (circular) must be constant and hesitation, once you are committed you must continue to the end.Your right hand grip must be tight and firm on the attacker's wrist.The "slap" has to be on target and extremely hardI hope you're planning on having a wonderful weekend!!! Follow-Up Letter coming Monday (11/2)Take Care,Sensei CarmenWhether the attacker is attacking overhead or slashing around at you...this technique works well. The block you will use is a one arm "Square Block", another want your arm to be at a 90 degree angle at the elbow. Be firm in maintaining the 90 degree angle and block hard when you use it. Be sure to step in with your left foot too. Now, on with the show: As the attacker comes at you, either overhead or slashing, holding the knife in their right hand. 1. Simultaneously, block with your left as you deliver a Vertical (Thrust) punch to the right side of their jaw. Pressure points in this area are your main target. 2. Simultaneously, your left hand grabs their right wrist as your right hand continues to the back of the attacker's neck. 3. Pull the attacker into 3 hard knee strikes to their groin (mid-section) as you continue to hold their right wrist. You are pulling the attacker by the back of their neck with your right hand when delivering the knee strikes. 4. Your right hand joins your left and grabs the outside blade of the attacker's right hand. Now, quickly swing your hands over to your lower right while still holding the attacker's hand/wrist. This will cause them to drop to their knees with their head located off to your right side. 5. Apply a "goose-neck" to the attacker's right wrist and follow the various endings. a. Pull them onto the ground and remove knife. b. Deliver a nice front kick to their face/throat and remove knife. c. Step over their extended arm with your left leg and break their arm/elbow and remove knife. Be kind when practicing. "Keeping it Simple" Sensei Carmen : >This defense is for an Overhead Knife Attack in which the attacker is holding the knife in their right hand.1. As the knife comes over their shoulder, catch their right wrist with your left hand. The catch must be as near vertical as possible on the their over-swing. Anything less vertical will increase the odds of the attacker "powering through".2. While holding the attacker's right wrist, strike the attacker with a right Palmheel to their right side of their face.3. Continue your right hand motion to the back side of the attacker's neck (go in from their right side)...continue to hold that right wrist with your left hand! You control the knife during all this with your left hand.4. Using your right hand, which is now around the back of the attacker's neck, pull the attacker down into a right knee strike to the mid-section. Continue to control their right arm with your left hand.5. Continue to push-pull the attacker down to the ground after the knee strike by controlling their head and dropping your left foot back and directing their head towards your left hip and raising their right arm. They should end-up on their back with their head to your left and their to your right.6. Once down, your right hand joins your left and shove the knife into the attacker's mid-section. The attacker's right will give so this can be done."Keeping it Simple"Sensei CarmenToday's defense deals with a knife attack. The attacker is attacking right-handed and you will be defending left handed.As the attacker begins to stab straight towards you.....1. Let your left foot drop back while simultaneously using a downward Twin Knifehand Block (Crane's Wing). Your left hand/wrist MUST be on top of your right hand/wrist.2. Your left hand will grab the inside blade (that nearest the thumb) of the attacker's right hand; leave your right hand in place during this.3. Now, rotate your left arm/hand counter-clockwise(to the left) while continuing to hold the attacker's right hand by its inside blade; while simultaneously stepping forward, towards the attacker's right side beginning with your left foot, and allow your right hand move up the bottom side of the attacker's right arm.The attacker should be opening-up and their right arm being bent and twisted to their right and slightly upwards. This causes the attacker's right elbow and shoulder joint to dislocate and create pain.4. Continue stepping through, use your counter-clockwise motion and bring the attacker to the ground; they should end on their back with their right arm across your knee or you can keep them slightly away from you.5. At this point you have the choice of either breaking the elbow joint or use it as a submission hold.If this defense is used at a high rate of speed, it will dislocate the shoulder before the attacker goes to the ground and throw the attacker off their feet. Remember, control the direction of that knife blade.Have fun and practice......"Keeping it Simple"Sensei Carmen : >)

Gun Defences

Bat/Club Defences

Chokes Defences

Kick/Punch Defences



Copyright D-sign Curacao.
Last revised: November 03, 1999.