International Network on Personal Meaning

The INPM is dedicated to advancing health, spirituality, peace and human fulfillment through research, education and applied psychology with a focus on the universal human quest for meaning and purpose. We do this through articles on meaningful living, providing a source for research on meaning and existentialism, and information on meaning centred counselling and therapy for students and practioners.

Meaningful Living - Research - Meaning Centred Therapy

Featured Articles

The Meanings and Blessings of Thanksgiving: Helpful Exercises of Gratitude
Paul T. P. Wong,
Ph.D., C.Psych
Toronto, ON, Canada

On the Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada, my thoughts naturally turned to its meanings and blessings.....(More)

Passion and Ecstasy in Recovery from Addiction
Geoff Thompson, M.A., CCC
Maple Ridge, B.C., Canada

Our conference on Addiction, Meaning & Spirituality is coming up on July 20-23, 2006.....

Website News

Comments from Attendees of Meaning Conference 2006, click here to read what they had to say.

Book Review: "Against Depression", reviewed by Eddie Elmer. (Full Review)

Nominations for INPM President. Dr. Paul T. P. Wong, the founding president, has long expressed the desire to step down so that INPM can move forward under new leadership. This is a call for nominations.

President's Report:
Paul T. P. Wong, Ph.D., C.Psych.
Toronto, ON, Canada
Last year was marked by transitions, comings and goings.
(Full Report)

- The premier site on the positive psychology of personal meaning, meaning of life and existential therapy -

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