Some Links To The

Laurence Tulloch

Craig Nisbet

Dougie McCaig

Martin Rae

Kevin Livingstone

Stephen Herd

Quick Quiz

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� 2001

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Last Updated
April 2001

Laurence Tulloch

is getting married

Hello and welcome to the Laurence Tulloch experience. I live in the city of Edinburgh which is the capital of Scotland and I am currently 29 years of age. This site is intended as a bit of fun and to take the mickey out of some of my close friends.

As I sit in the office in my home I wonder who would be interested in looking into my little treasure trove of things I have collected and placed here, if you happen to find this site pleasing, let me know just how much pleasure it has brought to your life and make an entry in my guest book or even send me an e-mail, I will reply�.. probably. I have hidden some semi-naked dancing girls you might come across but I have mainly continued to concentrate on the theme of belittling my pals.

The links below are where my mates take a bit of stick. Please have a look at the pages and trust me when I tell you that all of the details mentioned within are completely true! Dougie, you know I talking to you!

If you have the time please complete my quiz and answer truthfully, you�ll enjoy the outcome all the more if you do!

Thanks for visiting and come back soon.

Craig Nisbet Dougie McCaig Kevin Livingstone Martin Rae Stephen Herd

Here are some other links to some sites that I have made use of in the past and can thouroughly recommend if you have the time.

Quite possibly the funniest site about Joey Deacon ever!
My Favourite Technology Magazine!
My local daily newspaper
Punch Baby...
Esquire! UK Edition
A site with UK small ads

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