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Last Updated
April 2001

Martin "Johnny" Rae

is the Outdoor specialist

Hello I'm Johnny
I used to be a superbly smooth operator with the ladies but these days I'm courting a true lady, she even provided me with Oral on the National Health, oral health care that is!

Obviously I still make to Club Mercado on a regular basis but now because I’m only window shopping I have to let Donald get the birds on his own, and let me put it this way… the only thing he ends up pulling on a Saturday night is his puddin'.

Now I don’t want to go on about past glories but you all know that I am the Outdoor Specialist. If you are unsure of what that means then just ask the residents of the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh, they got a pretty good show one night when I got a good seeing to on top of the Princes Mall.

Wish me luck for the future!


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Martin's been do'in yer missus check this out
Fancy a new time piece?
My preferred choice of body guard... just in case

Hey I could always call Jackie for some and maybe get a present for my birthday too, ha ha ha!

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