Resurrection Parish Web-Site Awards
Below are the Awards our site has been given.
My thanks to all the organizations that blessed us with their awards!

You won's
"Gold Church WebsiteAward"

You should be very proud, your website is excellent, and you are going to enjoy the increased traffic you get from winning this prestigious award!

Congrats Again!

The 'Gold' Church Website Award Team

Resurrection of Our Lord has been reviewed and chosen
to bear the
2001-2002 Golden Web Award.

You and your staff at Resurrection of Our Lord has
obviously worked very hard.

Proudly display your award!
Christian Web Services is pleased to announce your site has
been reviewed and you have won our
"Bronze Cross Award".

The sites are judged on content, funcionality, graphics and
usefulness to the Christian Community.

We spend a lot of time reviewing sites and not all make the
grade.  Furthermore, only about 75% percent of the sites we
review recieve a "CWS Bronze Cross Award". 

You have done a great job, keep up the good work for him.

In His Service
Larry Davidson
CWS Cross Awards Administrator
We are fortunate again this year to receive St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church's award for "2001 Catholic Website Award For Organizations"

Thanks to John and Karen Meyer for bestowing us with their award for the second year in a row.
Dear Brother In Christ,

I visited your beautiful homepage.

From your homepage beams a very great Christian thought and a great love for the Blessed Virgin Mary. 

I should like to offer you my
"MaryPages Award" 2001-2002 and I hope you will accept this gift.

                                               Leo de Bondt - Holland
Congratulations!!.... Your site defintely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award".
A very nice site, good design, clever graphics, great photos, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well amd easy to access. 

A worthy enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web! 
Thanks for making the Web a more interesting, fun and attractive place to visit.

I really enjoyed my visit to your site and will return again when time permits 8)
St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church is proud to award Resuurection of Our Lord Parish, Cincinnati, Ohio, with the "2000 Catholic Website Award For Organizations"

Congratulations and God Bless!
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